March 2023 - Your fierce co-ruler Mars is getting ready to exit its traveling partner Gemini soon, so be sure to take advantage of the intellectually stimulating energy while you still can. Yes, you find your partner attractive, but their mind is your favorite thing during this brainy transit.

March 14 brings a suspicion-producing Mars-Neptune square that has you thinking all kinds of things about your partner and relationship. If you dream about them cheating or acting strangely, it doesn’t translate to them doing the same things IRL. Check out a dream dictionary for a more authentic translation before making accusations.

When energetic Mars leaves curious Gemini for clingy, emotional Cancer and your ninth house of adventure and expansion on the twenty-fifth, you’ll want to share every single experience you can with bae. You’ll even want to go with them to the store or their doctor appointment cuz you never know what might happen.

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More Horoscopes for Scorpio

Scorpio Compatibility and Traits

Scorpio Sign Compatibility

Scorpio Star Dates and Traits


Mysterious, charismatic, brave, and magnetic, Scorpios are hard to ignore.

They are extremely intuitive and make natural psychologists with an ability to easily read those around them. They form intense bonds with their friends and romantic partners, but they can become possessive or jealous if they're not completely confident with themselves.Learn More

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