Love Compatibility
Find out if your partnership will go all the way. Some Sun Signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!
Between Taurus and Scorpio, it’s true that opposites attract. They are six signs apart, making them opposite one another. But these two actually have a lot in common. Both are sensual homebodies who deeply value their privacy. Many of their friends and family might not learn about the relationship for years—if at all. They love in secret, but they love deeply. As fixed signs, they are dependable and stable. But watch out: jealousy, obsession, and stubbornness could blow out this flame.
Taurus and Scorpio have a lot in common. Both are determined, ambitious, and prefer to stay home rather than go out. Their home is a sacred oasis, hiding from the world so they can be free to be themselves. Scorpio brings the security that soothes Taurus’ fear of being abandoned, while Taurus creates a safe space in the form of a home so that Scorpio can feel safe to be vulnerable. Driven Scorpio will motivate the sometimes-lazy Taurus. Taurus can balance the moody Scorpio with their easygoing nature. Finances are not an issue here, as both are good with money. Both have a deep enjoyment of cooking and music, so date nights are usually at home, listening to music as they feed each other—and make love, of course. This is a tender, spiritual, devoted relationship that simmers with sexual heat.
The sexual attraction with these two sensual, passionate signs get together is off the charts. Scorpio, one of the most intense, seductive signs, has finally met their match with the physical, sensual Taurus. Taurus is a devoted lover with stamina that can go all night long. There’s an intensity with this lovemaking that can border on obsessive if they aren’t careful. Sex can turn into a power struggle for these stubborn and obsessive signs (angry sex may leave a few bruises). Still, neither are going to get this type of sex anywhere else.
Like everything with this pairing, their low points are also intense. Fights take a nasty turn as both sides are so stubborn that, if they disagree, neither will compromise and will try to control the other. All of this is unhealthy. Both are vengeful so if they feel wronged by their partner, it’s an eye-for-an-eye kind of situation.
Ironically—seeing as both are so faithful—jealousy is also an issue here. Taurus’ possessiveness and Scorpio’s obsessiveness is a deadly combination as they each try to catch the other cheating. Snooping through phone, wild accusations, and hiring a private detective are not out of the question. Taurus might just leave if the relationship if it becomes too much drama for them.
This couple has a very powerful bond but to avoid it from being all-consuming, it’s good for each person to have hobbies outside of the relationship to keep themselves healthy and sane. Trust is also important here as they need to trust that the other loves them and doesn’t want to leave. Compromise is important to learn for any fixed sign. But, when in doubt, you can always settle your issues in the bedroom.
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