Leo Money & Career Horoscope
It's a money-minded year that promises a blend of challenges, change and connection, Leo! The planets align to shift your financial landscape and completely transform your relationship with money.
In 2025, the nodes of destiny and eclipses across your 2nd/8th house money axis highlights significant moments for work-related growth, magickal windfalls of money and new income sources. The north node in Pisces encourages you to confront debt and manifest money while the south node in Virgo encourages you to invest your energy wisely. This is a year release limiting fears related to your potential.
As the year begins, Mars retrograde in Cancer in your 12th house of rest calls for a period of strategic retreat in your career. Until mid-February, spend time wrapping up ongoing projects and relax into the process, trusting yourself along the way. In May, Saturn enters passionate Aries in your 9th house of expansion, marking a turning point in your financial narrative that allows you to break free from obstacles and get serious about your approach to abundance.
The first half of the year is prime for collaborations, networking and embracing technology to share your work, with Jupiter in Gemini lighting up your 11th house of friendship and progress. It's the perfect time to expand your network and enjoy online visibility that allows you to create positive impact! When Jupiter enters Cancer in June, you're being called to align your career with your deeper purpose and emotions, which could lead to an ending.
Unexpected developments in your professional realm or direction will teach you how to embrace flexibility and innovation. When Uranus enters Gemini in July, focus on leveraging your intuition and creativity to uncover hidden opportunities and insights that move your career forward throughout the rest of the year!