Sagittarius Couples Horoscope

Your life is chaotic this year, Sagittarius, but that doesn’t necessarily mean your love life can’t still be poppin’. Despite some initial loneliness or moments when you question your current status, your love life offers you more happiness than anything else this year. That’s not to say it’s going to be a piece of cake, but your efforts will definitely be rewarded.

At the end of January, there’s a fun, playful Leo full moon that adds spontaneity and excitement to your relationship and can help lift the clouds from a stormy situation. This charming lunar vibe can help you lighten up the mood when things get a little too heavy and replace bad memories with better ones. Take advantage of this fun-loving lunation to bring out each other’s childlike side that you might not have seen for a while.

As an adventurous, social Sagittarius, you probably have a lot of friends who are in relationships, and this year it’s important to spend time with other couples you both can learn from. The full moon and lunar eclipse in partnership-focused Libra highlight your friendship zone in late March, and this would be an ideal time to end any current friendships that aren’t working and expand your social circle in new directions. Look for other couples who can help you grow as a team in some way. You might be wondering if it’s weird to want to be like a celebrity couple or copy what an influencer couple does on social media. Not really. Sometimes the best way to learn is by example.