Virgo 2023 Horoscope

As a practical, Mercury-ruled earth sign, you’re proud of your logical, precise perspective on life. As things become more unpredictable in the world this year, will you have to adapt new techniques to deal with the chaos?

If we look at your ruler Mercury as it heads through four instead of three retrograde periods this year, Virgo, the short answer to that question is no. Because all of the retro cycles happen when your leader is in grounded earth signs, you’ll still have a calm demeanor as you deal with the potential negative effects.

Reveal what 2023 has in the stars for you with your Yearly Horoscope!

Structured Saturn is feeling rebellious during its placement in air sign Aquarius and your house of routine as the year begins, highlighting your attention to detail and bringing out your ability to work hard in order to complete personal and/or professional tasks, assignments and projects. Your hard work doesn’t depend on immediate gratification because you’re totally happy with delayed rewards. Receiving that sense of accomplishment and pride in your work is enough for you now.

Like every year, you’ll be celebrating your birthday at some point between the end of August and the end of September, when your analytical and organized nature should be most appreciated. If you plan a party for yourself, it will be important that every last detail is handled with precision! And as the summer months end, you’ll be more than ready to start thinking about fall and getting things back to “normal.” Cleaning, organizing and getting rid of unneeded things (in an environmentally friendly way, of course) will be high on your priority list now.


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