Taurus Money & Career Horoscope
You’re all about that money, but will your career goals and financial results meet your high expectations this year?
On a positive note, hardworking Saturn starts the year again in the sign it rules, ambitious, dedicated Capricorn—which means the chance to achieve your goals is excellent. Its entry into individualistic Aquarius toward the end of March helps you consider unique and out-of-the-ordinary situations, so a job change into a totally different field might be on the horizon. Saturn turns retrograde in early May, causing you to reconsider a career-related opportunity, and then goes direct again in Capricorn in late September. All this movement in this ambitious planet reminds you not to give up. Keep working toward your goals, Taurus. You’ll get there.
Uranus traveling in your sign this year is a big indicator of financial shakeups, possibly on a major level. You’ve probably already been experiencing the energy of this transit that started back in May of 2018 and has been challenging you to branch out in financial situations ever since. As a fixed sign focused on financial stability, this could be one of the biggest challenges you’ll face. But big risks earn big rewards, which help bolster your (probably already-impressive) bottom line. Luckily, Taurus, the two retrograde periods (the first brief one at the start of the year and ending in mid-January; the second starting mid-August and lasting through the end of the year) will give you a break and a chance to collect your thoughts before battling those financially-challenging demons again in 2021.