Sagittarius Money & Career Horoscope
Getting a jump on financial issues now can save you time and money in the future.
The Saturn-Capricorn pairing was made at the end of 2017, so you’ve likely spent the past couple of years working steadily toward your goals. Yes, there will have been setbacks, but you should be on track to getting rewarded for the work you’ve put in lately
Hardworking Saturn switches gears and moves into progressive, innovate Aquarius at the end of March, allowing you to mix things up and feel good about your career for the first time in a while. The Saturn retrograde period from mid-May to the end of September gives you time to pause and reflect on recent career moves and reevaluate if necessary. Your productivity will be slowed for a few months, so keep an eye on deadlines in case you need to put in overtime to meet them.
Uranus moves along in Taurus this whole year, causing a lot of financial shakeups, both personally and globally. Be aware of new technology and innovations that might rock the economy, and act accordingly. Most Sagittarians aren’t planners, but this is one time you could benefit from looking at your long-term financial strategies. Don’t rule out hiring a financial planner or getting professional advice. Your money isn’t anything to leave to chance.