Libra Money & Career Horoscope
If you're dreaming of a more satisfying occupation in 2016, look close to home. Friends and family may have suggestions, contacts, or offer an example of something that would pay and suit you better.
Or, it may be desirable to work from home part of the time and minimize the commute and running around. This year you could shape your work situation to better mesh with your home life.
If you're in a service or creative position that pleases you, why rock the boat? The Solar Eclipse in March will be a reality check for you if you have any doubts.
You could save more money this year, too, which always comes in handy. In May, you can consolidate holdings and gain more financial security. Be even more discerning in your money decisions, especially as the September Mercury retrograde approaches.
Any minor missteps or miscalculations are easily corrected in November and December, as Saturn keeps you cautious and well grounded. It's one productive year!