Leo Money & Career Horoscope
In 2016, the most profitable occupations will probably involve the more mundane, less glamorous work, Leo. This does not mean menial or demeaning. It just means less showy and flashy.
An unexpected (and maybe big) opportunity in January could come to you, but don't immediately pounce on it. Mercury is retrograde in an Earth Sign, so give the situation time to show its true colors. Ask questions in 2016, and don't settle for half-answers.
In August you may redefine, career-wise, what you want to do - or how. Take action after the conclusion of the Mercury retrograde period in late September. Money and recognition may increase for you then, too. Be patient, wise, and you'll be successful. Jupiter is on your side.
Be more ambitious and practical in November and December. Finish the year on very firm footing and at a higher financial level.