May 2024 - The month begins with empowerment, Taurus, as the sun in your sign awakens your first house of self and manifestation. New beginnings show up and help build confidence. Remember to believe in yourself! Your energy is vibrant, inviting, and magnetic. The new moon in your sign on May 7 arrives to give you the boost you need to walk a new path. Align with your desires to create abundance.

Fast-moving Mercury enters your sign on the fifteenth and it becomes easier to ask for what you want. When you put yourself out there your perspective shifts and the way you view the world evolves. You’re seeing things through a more positive lens.

May Premium HoroscopeMay Premium HoroscopeWe are not going to lie, the month ahead comes with its fair share of intense aspects! May is a month that will keep you on your toes.

When the sun enters Gemini and lights up your second house of wealth creation and self-esteem on May 20, you turn your focus to your foundation. It’s important to feel grounded so you can create. Embrace your natural skills to move forward. There’s a spotlight on your ideas and your ability to bring them to life.

The full moon in Sagittarius and your eighth house of transformation on the twenty-third offers you a beautiful reset. Major growth takes place when you release outdated patterns and focus on your magic. Sensual Venus enters observant Gemini on that same day and invites you to embrace intimacy with others. Deep connections feel especially rewarding and nourishing.

Jupiter moves into Gemini on May 25 and invites you to expand your self-esteem. Recognize your strengths and show the world what you’re made of so you can reach new heights.

Good luck this month, Taurus!

Standout days: 7, 15, 18
Challenging days: 13, 20, 27

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