Saturn, the father of Zeus, governs time, order, and structure.
In short, this planet sets the rules and can be considered the "father" of the zodiac. In terms of how we relate to it, Saturn determines the natural laws that we follow and how we experience a world that makes sense (at least to us).
If you're familiar with Saturn, it's likely because you've heard of a "Saturn return." When Saturn makes its revolution around the cosmos and returns to its place in the sky in which it was situated when you were born, you have a Saturn return. Typically, a person experiences three of these returns during their lifetime (approximately every 29 years).
These periods tend to shake you out of your comfort zone and make you question your beliefs and routines. (Think of it as a cosmic "out of order" sign.) It can be disorienting or even downright terrifying, but Saturn returns give you the opportunity to reinvent yourself and evolve into a better you. They are also thought of as a point of transition from one life phase to the next. Saturn shows us our responsibilities and gives us the structure to take them on.
Meaning of the Symbol of Saturn
Saturn's glyph is the reverse of Jupiter's glyph: the cross of matter suspending the soul crescent. As Jupiter represents expansion, so Saturn represents restriction and limitation. By demonstrating accountability to earthly responsibilities and building sustainable structures through dedication, the cross of matter can be seen as elevating the soul crescent, illustrating that evolution would not be possible without human experiences born of being in a body. If one is trying to impose restrictions on others or letting fear control their actions, the soul crescent weighs down the manifestation potential of the cross.
Saturn Retrograde Calendar Dates
Apr 30 - Sep 18
May 11 - Sep 29
May 3 - Oct 11
Jun 4 - Oct 23
Jun 17 - Nov 4
Jun 29 - Nov 15
Jul 13 - Nov 28
Jul 26 - Nov 10
Aug 9 - Dec 24
Aug 22 - Dec 31
Jan 1 - Jan 5
Sep 6 - Dec 31