In 2025 the Snake energy is very different than your own but you still have the ability to prosper. During the year you will have periods of great confidence where you can move forward. At other times your intuition will tell you to be cautious and hold back. Dog, your excellent instincts overall will keep you doing well even if things change. And in the process, you can help the people you care about manage during changing times.
✨Year of the Snake is here! Find out what's in store for you!✨
In 2025 when considering the farmer’s cycle, you are in the middle of your three-year harvest time. This is like the middle of autumn at the height of the picking season. This could be one of your busiest years where you could grow your business. In your job you could get a bigger team or take on more visible projects. This year you could have more friends and your family may expand.
This year your focus is to create more financial security. You might focus on what is essential and joyful in your life, selling off what you don’t need. You’re likely to find more sources of income, expand a business, or invest. It’s important to take action on controlling your schedule. This year you can turn wasted time into productive hours that lead you to your goals. You’re also likely to take better care of yourself through exercise and eating right. Overall, this can be a good year when you are in the right place at the right time more often than you expect.
The Year of the wood Snake brings a much easier year when it comes to love relationships. Communication between you and others improves and that helps whether you’re already in a love relationship or not. Be curious this year and try new things when it comes to love, and you will be rewarded.
If you’re looking for love, move past familiar faces and the same old places so that you can meet new people. Dog, try some new activities and make some new friends. It is likely a friend of yours will suggest the perfect match. But if you don’t see that now, it’s time to widen your circle of friends.
If you’re already in a love relationship, you are balancing out the give-and-take between the two of you. There may be a shift of roles at some point, and one of you may be more confident about this relationship than the other. But by having open communication, the relationship heals.
In June 2025, it may be necessary to change your schedule to have more quality time with your partner. Or the two of you may have a discussion about how to devote time to each other. If you’re already in a love relationship, the two of you may try a vacation without the kids.
In October 2025, your interest in each other increases. Dog, you may take dance lessons together or do regular couples massages. A marriage encounter group could help the two of you get closer. If you’re looking for love, you could meet someone on a singles cruise or while vacationing.
Family & Friends
During this year of the wood Snake, you may be surprised to find that some of your closest friends and family don’t really know you so well. Communication will be key as you tell them about your beliefs and personal philosophy. Many are willing to celebrate with you this year, even some of the ones who have been skeptical of your choices in the past.
When it comes to family, they are your bedrock of stability and safety. Family members step up to help each other and you can see a stronger family unit form. Relatives who were outside your circle may now knock on your door and ask to spend more time with you.
When it comes to friendships, a little effort will be needed. Dog, you have people who are interested in connecting with you but your schedule may not allow it. Or when you are available, they seem to be busy. Reconnecting with old friends requires effort as well.
In June 2025, your daily routine could be very different as you are helping out a family member. Dog, you might be doing more driving for them or assisting them with some particular skill you have like your computer knowledge or ability to balance a checkbook. And in this process, the two of you really bond.
In October 2025, you could see many family members. You may fly to a sibling’s wedding. You might travel to see a niece or nephew perform on stage. You may play host to traveling family members who are passing through your town.
You can look forward to an easier year when it comes to your career in the year of the wood Snake. Dog, your concerns are heard, and you may find that your supervisor is much more amenable to making changes that you have requested. You can also more easily find a different position if you’re looking for a job.
In May 2025, you may sign an agreement for employment or to extend your contract. Or you may have a report or project you’re working on go all the way to the top, bringing you accolades and compliments from the C-suite.
During the month of October 2025, you may get to do something more creative in your job. Dog, you may find that you have more autonomy or that you are now leading the team. If you work for a startup, you could start to see the real benefits from the risks you’ve taken.
There could be a big shift in your finances in the year of the wood Snake. Dog, you may gain a lot of confidence in your own ability to determine which investments are good for you. Or you may meet someone who opens the door to a type of investment that you previously didn’t have access to. This could be a profitable time.
In late March 2025, you may be looking to invest in something that’s going to tie up your money for a while. And while this could be a good investment, leaving yourself investment-rich and cash-poor could put you into a bind later in the year.
In July 2025, you might be in the right place at the right time. Dog, you may have a friend help you with a real estate deal, an investment could be connected to your career, or you may have a financially savvy relative who is willing to help.