The year of the water Rabbit can bring some obstacles for Rooster natives, but there are some great possibilities in 2023 as well. It’s necessary for you to be clear about your goals and take direct action. Like the oyster diver, you will be rewarded for your hard work with a beautiful pearl. Let yourself be seen by the world and opportunities will be abundant. Step out the door to meet people and you’ll find that people want to meet you too.
✨Year of the Snake is here! Find out what's in store for you!✨
This is the seventh year of your twelve-year cycle, which, if compared to a year on the farm, would be the beginning of autumn and the harvest season. There’s a lot of work ahead, and the reward is baskets and bushels overflowing with everything you could want and need. But you must work quickly to grab opportunities before they are snapped up by others. Rooster, the early bird gets the worm this year.
Water Rabbit energy brings an opportunity for adventure if you’re willing to step outside your comfort zone and take a risk here and there. Rooster, you could meet someone for a romantic love relationship or get closer to your committed partner. A job change could happen, and with it come more opportunities and more money. Staying in your current job is possible, but it will be the same amount of work as coworkers and supervisors lean on your expertise.
Overall, this year will bring Rooster natives lots of work as well as lots of rewards.
In 2023, there are some periods when romance seems to come out of nowhere for Rooster natives, and at other times you’ll need to be patient. Water Rabbit energy moves more slowly than you do, and if you come on too strong, you might frighten away the more timid energy that is prevalent in 2023. On the other hand, if you make yourself visible and allow love to come to you, happy results can follow.
There is a lunar eclipse on May 5, and your love life could get complicated when a friend professes their feelings for you. You might be interested, Rooster, but it’s possible that one or both of you is not free for a relationship at this time. And now that the information and feelings are out in the open, it might be very tough to put the genie back in the bottle. This is a time to understand what you truly want. This can help you sort out whether you need to stay with what you have or move forward toward something new.
The best time of the year comes very late in the Chinese astrology cycle. The Yin water Ox month begins on January 5, 2024, and for the next four weeks the energy shifts make you the star. Rooster, it’s likely that love is seeking you out. Dating partners from the past might track you down and contact you. At the same time, potential new lovers could be knocking on your door. During this time, your dance card could be full.
Family & Friends
In the challenging year of the water Rabbit, friends and family are your safe harbor when storms are brewing. People in your life are keeping a close eye on you this year. Don’t hesitate to ask for help whenever you feel overwhelmed or overburdened. There is also some healing that can happen this year. Rooster, a rift between you and another family member could now dissolve. And as you look back on why you were arguing in the first place, it feels like a distant memory.
There is mixed energy for Rooster natives in the month of April. The month starts out quite good with opportunities to meet some new friends. It’s likely these individuals come through your work or through acquaintances you already have. You share a lot in common with these friends, and you can deepen these friendships quite quickly. On the other hand, the end of April could bring some challenges at home as one storm subsides and a new storm seems to form.
At the end of August, there’s a surprising turn of events. Someone who was a friend might become a family member. Perhaps you are getting married, or someone in your family is marrying someone you really like and approve of. This is music you can dance to.
The end of December puts you back with some people you haven’t been with for some time. Rooster, it’s possible you’re rejoining your choir or renewing your membership in an organization. You’re reconnecting with people you thought were out of your life.
In the year of the water Rabbit, work could be challenging (although profitable). Rooster natives are putting in a lot of effort, but you might not receive the credit, accolades and recognition you deserve. You’ll need to toot your own horn or you could be passed over for a promotion.
The Yang earth Horse month begins on June 5, and for the next four weeks you have some of the best energy of the year. This is the time to ask for a raise or apply for a new position. Rooster, someone important is willing to open a door for you, so have your resume handy.
There is a lunar eclipse on October 28, and Rooster, some things aren’t working out as you expected. It’s likely this is connected with technology, or a team member is lagging behind on their deadline. This is when you can use your natural managerial skills to bring everything to completion.
While there are some challenges for Rooster natives in 2023, money is not one of them. Active and passive income sources are a possibility, and there is some good energy around real estate investments. Many of the opportunities are slightly outside your comfort zone, Rooster, but this is a good way to use the challenging energy.
March 5 brings the Yin wood Rabbit month and the beginning of harvest energy for Rooster natives. Over the next 30 days, your money or revenue sources can multiply. This is a time to look at offering prayers, saying affirmations and lighting candles. These spiritual actions help bring you opportunities for sales, a raise at your job or dividends from investments.
The solar eclipse on October 14 could bring changes in your career that give you a boost in income. Rooster, it’s possible you are getting a new job and therefore negotiating for a better salary. Or a manager might be leaving, and you can slide into a better position.