
The year 2023 is generally a good year for Dragon natives, but you could sometimes feel impatient if things don’t happen quickly enough. Many of the opportunities will be centered around things you already know how to do. This feels comfortable, and it could be profitable, but you might be bored at times. It’s time to plan for the future and get ready for change. But the change isn’t quite here yet. You have to let go of the past before you can embrace something new.

Year of the Snake is here! Find out what's in store for you!

This is the last year of your twelve-year cycle, which, if compared to a year on the farm, would be the tail end of winter. Dragon, this is a time to rest and plan what you will do when spring comes. There is no reason to plant the seeds now because they would just freeze in the cold, hard ground.

In the year of the water Rabbit, you might go back to school or finish a degree. You might do a soft launch of a business, with the official start coming next year. You could reconnect with people from your past, both friends and relatives. In 2023, you could be a star in your career, making high sales and possibly gaining a promotion. Dragon, you are more social, working with people through groups and organizations and maybe taking a leadership role.

Overall, this is a good year for Dragon natives to assess where you have come from and where you want to go in the future. You are at the doorway, but it isn’t time to move forward just yet.


For Dragon natives, the water Rabbit energy is quite beneficial for existing love relationships. You can really nest this year, creating a comfortable home just the way you like it. You might shun social activities just so you can be with each other, and you are likely connecting on a deeper level. Finding new love is a little more challenging. But it is quite possible you’ll enter into a relationship with someone you knew in the past. It could be someone you dated. Or a close friend might return and suddenly you’re seeing this person in a whole new light.

The lunar eclipse on May 5 could bring some exciting energy to your love life, including an opportunity to go out with someone new. Dragon, this is the time during this year when new energy is around you, and you might be pursued for a love relationship. It’s important to get out of the house, be social and attend weddings, parties and charity functions. You might talk with your dating partner about moving in together, and suddenly you go from uncertainty to sharing a closet.

The Yang metal Monkey month begins on August 7, and you have about four weeks of very harmonious energy to improve your love life on all levels. Dragon, you might spend more time together, take a trip with your sweetheart to an exotic location or get reacquainted with someone you knew in high school.

Overall, 2023 can be quite a fun time for Dragon natives to explore love at all levels.

Family & Friends

There are some ups and downs in 2023 when it comes to friendships and connections with family members. At times, everyone could come together for an amazing experience. But at other times, social events could be a flop when key people aren’t able to attend. Dragon natives will have to manage your expectations this year. Some events won’t come off in the way you’re picturing in your mind.

At the tail end of April, you might connect with someone through social media. Someone might read your blog posts or check your vlogs. Dragon, this could bring you together, and soon you’re chatting away as though no time has passed. You have plenty to catch up on because this might be someone you haven’t seen in a decade or more.

In early September, you could take a quick trip. Dragon, you might grab a few family members and jet off to a nearby foreign location. You might be exploring a place you’ve never been to on a whirlwind trip that lasts a weekend. This gives you just enough time to taste a new cuisine and buy a few souvenirs.

On October 14, there is a solar eclipse, and Dragon, there could be a big change at home. You might be doing some renovation, such as putting in new flooring, redoing the kitchen or converting the garage into a spare room. Now there is chaos at home because of all the construction, but your vision is being realized. This could be helpful to the family and possibly profitable too.


You might feel bored with your job during the year of the water Rabbit, but making a major change is difficult for Dragon natives this year. On the other hand, shifting your position is quite possible. You might move to another department or slide into a lateral position where you have a new manager or more flexibility in your schedule.

The lunar eclipse is on May 5, and Dragon, you might be tempted to go into business with a friend. Unfortunately, this person’s optimism might not be warranted. Make sure you look over the business plan carefully before you invest your time and energy.

The Yin wood Ox month begins on January 5, 2024, and now comes the best energy for the Chinese zodiac year. Dragon, you have opportunities coming from all directions. People recognize your skills, and you might be offered a better position, or your business could gain some free publicity.


The year 2023 brings money from several sources for Dragon natives. There could be an addition to your regular income. You might go back to a side business or sell off items from your garage or attic. This can bring you some tidy profits.

The solar eclipse on April 20 could bring you a financial opportunity that’s related to real estate. A family member might have a business idea. It’s a good idea to outline a family partnership in some sort of written document so everything is easy and clear going forward.

October 8 brings the Yang water Dog month and the beginning of harvest energy for you, Dragon. Over the next 30 days, you have strong career energy. Shifts that are happening open up an opportunity for you to ask for more money. If you own a business, this could be some free publicity that gets the word out about your products and services.