
The Chinese New Year of 2020 brings a dose of yang, a bit more steel in your animal year, always a catalyst for change every twelve years. The element metal is a moving force to use effectively as you encounter change. Change is positive evolution so you can advance and shine even more brightly. This year’s faster pace means you can get to your goals more directly. If you got bored in the year of the earth Pig, you’re probably ready to reject routine and dive into this year’s phantasmagoria. Never a dull moment!

Year of the Snake is here! Find out what's in store for you!

Besides your never-ending charm and intelligence, your curiosity is a treasure that won’t let you down. That thirst for knowledge and information allows you to find even more opportunities than ever. Your keen observational skills give you insight when it comes to what to expect from people. Don’t be surprised if you find that the year affects you more in the way others respond to you.

Trust that there will be golden moments in 2020, nuggets of time when you have the opportunity to gather the metal and refine it in your own way (adding your own natural element of water). The combination is all about being too rigid and adaptation. Yours is not rigid thinking, and in this light, you’ve refined the metal in your way. The challenge is in adapting to others, in some cases, their chronic overuse of it. Caution! Slow down and calm your mind. Collect and synthesize. Allow ideas to germinate, and then act. It’s your forte no matter what the situation.


The year of the Pig, dominated by the earth element, signified stability and predictability. How soon did the same old, same old become way too easy for you? The last thing an amorous Rat wants is love done by rote. The year 2020 is about enthusiasm, sharing, and spontaneity. You won’t be bored when metal is the year’s governing element! It sounds as if there’s a lot for an incurably romantic Rat to like in the year of the Rat!

The summer Cancer eclipse at zero degrees encompasses the most fruitful degrees of the sign. You begin a new cycle stimulated to put your heart in all you do. You’re inspired to encourage all those around you to work and learn together, not only in the spirit of the Chinese New Year but also in the next twelve years of the cycle.

Optimistically anticipate changes, the changes that occur in and with loved ones, including you. You are the perfect one to show everyone how to look at life with new eyes.

If you’re unattached and looking for love, you have all the best qualities for attraction sown up in any year. This year, however, has an exciting quality when unpredictability, your natural curiosity, a sense of adventure, and the need to scurry all over the place increase the opportunities for coincidences and pleasant surprises. Venus, the metal star and planet of love, turns retrograde in May. Sparks could fly when you remeet someone you encountered last year, when earthy hesitation caused you to let the moment pass. Will the chemistry still exist or is it even better?!

Family & Friends

Expect lots of invitations this year, and expect to respond “yes” enthusiastically. That doesn’t actually make this year any different from any other year for sociable Rats. The year 2020 brings easy camaraderie with old friends and opportunities to meet many more diverse and interesting acquaintances, and perhaps they can become your friends, too.

Metal motivates, and Rats become eager to change people, places, things, and even themselves into new forms. You’ll want your social life to be more effective, and you’ll want to further solidify some relationships even beyond last year’s advances. Some you may discover have reached the point of separation, which is relevant to the end of one cycle and the start of a new one.

The year’s element encourages mental exploration (isn’t that just your style!), and combined with your natural element of water, you want to lead and influence. It’s the perfect energy to enhance your innate devotion to worthy causes.

In September, the equinox is a game changer; in fact, it could be a less social time if you’ve spread yourself too thin between home, work, and social gatherings. Under the sign of Libra, Rats may limit the time you spend on activities, preferring only those that really interest you. Rats may also be thinking there are only two choices, but there are many more. Wait a month (in pleasant expectation), because your inner fire begins to return in October and November. Your calendar will begin to fill with those end-of-year social gatherings.


Business is the Rat’s world. That’s why you’re so good at it. Last year may have been passive because of the earth Pig energy, but perhaps you built a solid foundation that you can carry into this year. It will be important to decide what you want to build upon in 2020. Utilizing your natural talents and your governing element of water, you can successfully sustain projects.

Concerning the metal of this year, the key point is, what can it do for you? What can you do with it? Metal strengthens your action-oriented self. It increases your confidence and raises your personal vibration. You’ve got to have a plan, however, or even with the tools, you’ll be engaged in building a steel bridge to nowhere.

The Capricorn lunar eclipse in early July represents an enlightening moment to stop and contemplate whether you’ll achieve the results you think you will and end up where you think you will if you continue on the same path. Innovative Rats possess marvelous ideas, but metal has trouble letting go, even when things go bad. This is an opportune time for a remodel. Be objective. “Don’t think with your emotions,” so says Capricorn!

The year contains a heads-up that always applies to one’s animal year. The word is “caution.” This year, loyal and friendly Rats need to beware of others’ intentions before aligning with them. Study the people around you. Midyear, revisit allies and perhaps look for new leaders. Naturally gifted, communicative Rats should be careful that you don’t reveal to others what could be a successful game plan for you!


We’ve reached a point where, natural moneymaker that you are, you have to battle with metal’s influence. You are more assertive, and the gambler in you has to watch out for risk-taking fortified by just plain brass. It fuels stubbornness when it comes to letting go when things take a turn. Think about the phrase “throwing good money after bad.”

Remember, in your year temperance rules! That said, you can make money, and you can build on the earthy influence of the last two years. You can’t play risky games or overspend. The Ox can help you next year, but you also have to bring something upon which you can build.

Even before the Chinese New Year, the stars are on your side if you choose to join them at the transitional period. A rare Saturn-Pluto conjunction in early January is the headliner. In Chinese astrology, Saturn rules centering; it’s a gateway planet to introspection, the earthy Yoda. Pluto is power applied appropriately from the start. What you do this year, dear Rat, do wisely and start early. Get centered, because you’re going to be busy over the next twelve months.

Since this could be a trouble spot, and because Rats want to know the why of everything, here’s the deal: Multitaskers (that would be you) who are ready to gamble on anything don’t have time to pay attention. You’re creative, but creative financing can boomerang on you. Start the year right, and see where you are at the Sagittarius lunar eclipse in early June.