January 25, 2020, marks the end of the year of the earth Pig, and it’s also a turning point, a once every twelve-year handoff of governorship from you to the Rat. Last year should have been a time of building confidence and strength, symbolic of good things happening to good people (that would be you). All this represents what you carry into 2020. Your mission is to choose between what you wish to bring forward and build upon and what you wish to leave behind. To make the choice, you need to be aware that the year’s element is metal. Your first assignment is to understand that metal is your friend. You have a natural confidence that the element boosts, and this helps you to make plans without worrying about setbacks. You can be optimistic that you’re on the right path.
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It will be a busy year, and symbolic of last year’s earthy element, uprooting the soil is conducive to growth. You will grow! The end of the Cancer-Capricorn eclipse pattern is a benchmark. The last one is the Capricorn lunar eclipse in early July, which symbolizes building for the future of a new cycle. (Cycles don’t go backward.) Synchronously, the year of the metal Rat brings growth, opportunity, and satisfaction with life.
You can make strides when the timing is in your favor. Show off when the light shines, like between mid-November and mid-December, which is one of those focus times. Metal helps you this year. Think of it as a friend with energy and ideas. Last year was your year, but this year has a real “me” dynamic. It’s a leap forward.
The depth and warmth of your love won’t change in 2020. The growth and comfort of your home and family continue beyond the year of the Pig, but there will be changes. Don’t worry. Changes are good.
The highly eloquent Rat stimulates conversation. With your natural element of water, words can flow harmoniously. The addition of metal in 2020 favors getting to it in honest, open discussions. Water is less likely to sit silent and still when metal arrives to regenerate close relationships. As an added bonus, the year can be memorable when it comes to getting to know and love significant others even more.
It will be a busy year. The Rat, under the influence of metal, doesn’t like to sit still. The workplace can be extra busy, and when one has to get up to speed and put in 40 (or more) hours per week, it can make a peaceful Pig tense. Leave as many troubles at the door as you can. Home is your comfort zone. You might want to change the way you relax by adding exercise, expanding your world, and taking up a new hobby (which is quite a metal thing, btw). Take the time to smell the flowers.
If you’re unattached and looking, the year can delight the romantic in you, in a (metal) shooting sparks kind of way. Reunions can happen when Venus, the Chinese metal planet of love, turns retrograde. People get back in touch from mid-May to late June.
Family & Friends
The metal Rat is quite the social butterfly, so expect positive, motivated merriness in 2020. The expansive element and sign bring interesting new people into your universe. It’s the diversity that makes the year blossom through the ever-expanding social circles. Trusted, long-term relationships remain valued, of course. They’re just busier with more gatherings, which couldn’t be nicer. New faces may appear here, too.
Expect the first half of the year to be quite active. April and May will give you an enlightening preview of the metal Rat’s influence, not just in your response but also for others. Be sure to observe how roles have changed or are in the process of doing so! The Sagittarius lunar eclipse in early June acts as an arrow indicating what might be a new comfort zone, which may surprise you.
The metal Rat is a social climber who enjoys the whirl of free-spending, exotic parties. You’ll be invited, of courses, because you’re a wonderful guest. It’s your choice whether you go. If that’s not your thing, metal provides the added “steel” to say no, but in the nicest of ways. Avoid invitations around the full moon in early May and you can miss some complicated situations. Business social events may tend to be more about competition than sharing a pleasant time. You can play a limited engagement if it’s required that you go. Put in a few hours of low-key mingling and then make a graceful exit. This is good advice for any year, by the way.
The first weeks of January represent a transitional period between the year of the Pig and the year of the Rat. A new cycle is born. Be optimistic. Think of it as a career rebirth that offers new horizons introduced by the adventurous Rat.
Competition could bring difficulties with frustrating people. However, chances are good that those people were always like that. It’s just that the metal element doesn’t improve their personalities, or it might. It’s their challenge, but you can choose how you respond. Metal itself strengthens you to embrace your determination and grow and achieve. Reliable people are there for you, too. You know who they are.
Timing is everything. You can advance by seeing how to make changes work for you in March and April (Rabbit and Dragon months). Some old routines could keep you from working to full capacity. Have a plan and take advantage when you’re more assertive in June and July. Take the time to observe what is in the process of developing, and get involved if events coincide with your goals.
If things aren’t going well in the second half of the year, metal Rat-like people get anxious, and that causes them to compound mistakes. Muster a little healthy detachment and take advantage of your ability to outlast others. You can shine. And start to set things up for the year of the Ox while you’re at it.
The moneymaking Rat meets the element metal, and in 2020 the potential is golden. You will enjoy the wealth potential, but you also have to be alert and protective this year. While you have your resources in hand, your money is tied into that of your employer, investments, and so on. The element is unpredictable, and give the Rat a dose of metal and money goes out as fast as it comes in.
The summer solstice is an opportune time for some self-correction. The timing is helpful as a head start on personal shopping binges. Are you buying things you don’t need? Are others with whom you share resources overdosing on retail therapy?
August is the time for tricksters vs. the trusting Pig. Watch for scams, especially under the mid-month Monkey moon. They gild the lily, especially for those like you who appreciate beauty. Also bear in mind the above people share your resources in many ways. Between September and October, a lot could be happening at once, so you can’t be too careful. The Rooster new moon in mid-September can be prosperous if you’re organized and plan carefully. The bonus comes in the data that flows in just when you need it.
The Sagittarius solar eclipse in mid-December brings a sense of comfort. Quiet patience is the key to success, and you are no stranger to that. A special bonus could come in rewards for earlier efforts and certain advantages that take you into the year of the Ox in 2021.