You may feel as if you’re bidding a sad adieu to the year of the earth Pig, such a nice one for Goats. Some years are like that! The good news is that there are things you can continue to develop and they can flourish in the year of the Rat because you built them on solid ground. Your ideas have taken root, and now it’s all about the multitude of exciting new sprouts they will send up in 2020.
✨Year of the Snake is here! Find out what's in store for you!✨
The element metal adds zip. Think of it as a garden tool to help you care for what you planted. Increase your ability to do what you couldn’t do before. It leads to good results. (Highlight metal and use it to your benefit.)
The year represents an ending of several cycles. However, ends also mean new beginnings and new ideas. For example, the year’s eclipses can be enlightening when it comes to an awareness of whether you’re on a path you like. If the answer is yes, discover how to get best get where you want to go. If the answer is no, explore clues as to how to find a new one. Your path should allow your creativity to shine through and shouldn’t be continually testing your resilience. You’re too gentle a soul to have to betray your principles.
If there’s any hesitation, the Gemini lunar eclipse on November 30, the Sagittarius solar eclipse on December 14, and the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn that only happens once every 20 years all move you forward more quickly. Make changes before year’s end! Sometimes it takes something outside us to force us to change, and it is here for you this year.
You certainly should resonate with the Rat’s qualities that so echo your own. The Rat’s charm, empathy, and loyalty are quite similar to those qualities in the considerate, compassionate, sincere Goat. It is the metal element that is the game changer for both Chinese animals.
Last year’s earthy Pig brought what should have been a five-star year. Ah! Sweet love, wasn’t it? However, changes are in store in the year of the nervy metal Rat. Significant others might feel it, and you need to keep up. What all of this means is that the year will not be like past years! Not only that, but it also begins a new twelve-year cycle, so you have no choice but to look to the future! This isn’t a bad thing. Everyone craves change. You crave it, but you just might not want to admit it.
Roles may change this year—those you’ve established, children’s roles, in-laws, friendships, even pets. Sit down and come up with ways to address issues together. A strong spirit can help you accomplish great things in your key relationships—together.
If you’re looking for love, you have increased opportunities to meet new people in a Rat year. The metal adds zip by providing more energy, desire, and courage to go out and look rather than wait for love to come to you. October and November have stellar potential. A festive occasion, a chance meeting, and sincere feelings surface. Think twice before declining an invitation.
Family & Friends
Your intimate social life remains the way you like it, more private, but with extra sparkle thanks to the metal Rat in 2020. While you may be too busy, especially in the summer, to be as attentive to relationships as you’d like, you still have opportunities for both supportive and restorative alliances. Hosting gives you more options than being a guest if you like to do things at your own pace.
Groups encompass many things, including humanitarian, learning, and teaching situations, any of which can be fulfilling. You have lots to offer. Bring family and friends with you and enrich the group.
The year offers diversification, bringing new people into your circle, and there will be dramatic changes in the people you know. Those things can result in a year full of lots of exciting discoveries. Prepare to be amazed in November, when fate has a hand in events. Not to worry. You will still hold on to the things that are important.
While you may wish that you could turn back the clock and return to familiar old ways, cycles like the ones that will happen this year don’t move backward. The term “selective memory” comes to mind. One remembers what they want to, and it gets embellished in the rethinking. Or, if you’re in a glass-half-empty mood, it’s worse than the reality. The June eclipse in Cancer and the July eclipse in Capricorn offer opportunities to remember briefly and then celebrate, putting a lot of old baggage aside. Why not throw a solstice party to do just that?
The earthy Pig year was great for you, which means you should be starting 2020 with a nice foundation that the metal Rat can build upon. For something new, the business-oriented Rat brings you new opportunities to develop. But you can’t expand without energy, and the metal element animates your spirit. Your part of the potentially successful equation is in a willingness to open the door and let all the good stuff in.
The year stimulates your determination from within, including the resolve to bring about change, not just adapt to it. Be especially alert to current patterns in April. Pausing to look gives you insight into what is possible in 2020. The Cancer solar eclipse in June is an auspicious time to begin something new. One always has to take a first step when planning life in as close to one’s own terms as one can get. On this note, you may find yourself playing the role of intermediary more often than you’d like in what will prove to be a competitive year in the workplace. Play the peacemaker—it’s one of your talents—but don’t get emotionally involved. Avoid taking sides, even unintentionally, especially in the third quarter of 2020.
The Sagittarius lunar eclipse on November 30 brings back some June events. Again, look at patterns, and pay close attention to your most high-profile competitors. Think about step two in your career plans in relation to theirs, because a make-or-break time for them could represent an opportunity for you. Do you want to step in as they step out or step down?
It’s said that no matter what the obstacles, Goats can take everything as it comes, even though you prefer that everything run extra smoothly and consistently, with no surprises. Buckle up, because the year 2020 holds one surprise after another.
Metal is a wealth-attracting element, and the Rat is both an investor (short term), a gambler, and a spender. Impatience and a lack of caution increase the odds that Rats will make even more mistakes trying to recover. That said, you can see why you might need to apply paragraph one. The good news is that metal, utilized by you, adds strength to ensure your financial decisions are made by you and not for you, as in your career.
It’s important to be curious, alert, and cautious, which are side benefits of the Rat, who often doesn’t utilize the skills when it would be helpful to do so. Inquisitiveness leads to further investigation, which in turn leads to information that says "Go ahead!" or "Stop!" Quiet patience won’t cut it, because you have to be proactive. And a little pessimism is good this year— and note the words "a little." Concerning your financial future in 2020, doubt would mean stopping before you invest in something or someone you intuit seems untrustworthy or sounds too good to be true. Chances are good that your perception is spot-on.
The contemplative Cancer full moon in December represents an enlightening moment to think about the upcoming year of the Ox. Glean as much incoming information as you can and file it for 2021.