Scorpio 2019 Horoscope

What do you want this year, Scorpio? What are you passionate about? Your dreams are the focus of 2019, and guess what? Some of them could come true in a big way!

A major advantage you have is that Mars, your forceful co-ruler, stays direct all year, so you don't have to worry about losing any of the incredible drive that it provides. In January, Mars is positioned in ambitious Aries, which it also rules, giving you a powerful energy boost to help you reach your loftiest goals.

Reveal what 2019 has in the stars for you with your Yearly Horoscope!

Disciplined Saturn is at home in hardworking Capricorn all year, so that's another huge check in the "win" column. This placement ensures that your integrity is intact as you work toward personal and professional goals. Feeling overly stressed and rigid could be a result of this strict pairing, though, so take a couple extra yoga classes or schedule regular massages to keep your mind and body healthy and happy.

Pluto, your co-ruler, continues to travel in responsible Capricorn, improving all areas related to power (especially your career). You might experience slowdowns during Pluto's yearly retrograde cycle from late April until October, so use any downtime to solve outstanding issues that didn't get dealt with the first time they came around (most likely in the last several months).

The time around your birthday promises to be eventful and fulfilling when the sun moves into your intense sign at the end of October, so don't shy away from being acknowledged. You often like to keep your accomplishments to yourself, but you deserve to be admired and celebrated for what you've been able to do throughout the year.


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