Start the week by standing up for a cause you believe in when the sun conjoins Pluto in your...
Expand your horizons by going your own way when Mercury in Capricorn trines Uranus in your...
Knowledge is power when the sun conjoins Pluto in your expansion zone on Tuesday. You’re on...
Be loud about the things you believe in when Mars in your sign sextiles Uranus in Taurus on...
You’re starting the week on a collaborative note when the sun conjoins Pluto in your partnership...
Get ready for some creative energy when Mercury in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus on Thursday,...
You’re starting the week on an expressive note when the sun conjoins Pluto in your creative...
Start the week by putting down roots, because you’ll have the power to build a life for yourself...
Your words have the power to transform your life, so speak up for yourself when the sun conjoins...
You might have a hard time nailing down the details when Mercury in your sign opposes Mars...
You start the week by making a good first impression when the sun conjoins Pluto in your sign...
Do yourself a favor and log off social media when Mercury in Capricorn opposes Mars in Cancer...
The Magician Tarot card represents someone at the beginning of their journey. The path is new, but they have no fear. They have all the tools they need.The Magician holds...