Monthly Horoscope


December 2023 - The month kicks off with Mercury’s debut in your sign, dear Capricorn, urging you to use your voice while choosing your words wisely. You’ll feel more sensitive and vulnerable as the sun continues its journey through Sagittarius and your solar twelfth house, and boundaries will be important to keep in mind.

You’ll sense a shift when Venus enters Scorpio on the fourth, helping you feel more in tune with your community and your place in it. This celestial placement is also great for spreading holiday cheer by supporting a good cause, making a point to give back to society.

The Sagittarius new moon on December 12 brings a karmic energy to the table, asking you to consider how behaviors and actions add up over time. If you’re ready to break free from patterns that aren’t serving you, use this energy to make a plan for how you can do better moving forward. However, Mercury enters its retrograde motion on the very same day, which could lead to mishaps if you don’t take care to edit your work. These vibes also support returning to old projects, giving them a second life as you look toward the past.

The twenty-first marks the official start of winter as the sun enters your sign, lifting your spirits in the process. You’ll feel lighter and more willing to step into the limelight, moving out of the reclusive energy brought forth by Sagittarius season.

The Cancer full moon on December 26 acts as a particularly romantic night for you, so be sure to embrace all things dear. Meanwhile, Venus enters Sagittarius on the twenty-ninth, asking you to devote more energy toward self-love.

Standout days: 5, 21, 24
Challenging days: 3, 14, 16

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