Jan 1, 2025 - Two different sides may tug on you today, and neither one may really make a strong case for pulling you one way or the other, Pisces. Realize that adjustments may have to be made for you to fit in with the scheme of things and fulfill your duties and responsibilities. A close loved one may distract you in subtle ways, so try not to get sidetracked if you can help it.

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The stars align for a fresh start. Prioritize your mental health with BetterHelp—sign up and save 20%!

More Horoscopes for Pisces

Pisces Compatibility and Traits

Pisces Sign Compatibility

Pisces Star Dates and Traits


Pisces signs have a peaceful and gentle presence about them, with an uncanny ability to tap into the emotions of the collective.

They're extremely malleable and need to be careful of who they surround themselves with. Since they are hyper-intuitive, they can sometimes become disconnected–making it important for this water sign to ground often.Learn More

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