You got it! Show your Scorpio's legendary sexual stamina...
Let's be honest, the most common question outsiders ask to each other about your sign is: "Have you had sex with a Scorpio?!"Folks expect you to have some serious sexual stamina, and you won't let them down! Here's a list of aphrodisiacs that you may know about, and some that you won't...
• All seafood, especially oysters.
• Peaches improve sperm count.
• Eating chocolate is like a mini-orgasm.
• Damiana liqueur or tea was the Mayan's "giddy love" remedy.
• Chile Peppers get your blood pumping.
• Avocados produce testosterone.
• Eggs produce the substance impotence medicine uses.
• Ginseng is called the "man root" in Asian cultures.
• Pumpkin Pie's smell has proven scientifically to put women in the mood.