Feeling off your game, Gemini? Try these health boosts
Gemini is a high-energy, vigorous sign that doesn’t easily get ill and can get by on less sleep, food, and other “fuel” than other signs. Still, we can crash and burn when we overextend ourselves for too long. When you’re fighting off an illness or just feeling meh, try these to feel better fast.- If you’re feeling out of breath, have a cough, or other oxygen-related issues, try walking or sitting meditation to restore your sense of calm and regulate your breathing.
- Find ways to relax at least 3 times a day, from a bath to belting out feel-good music in the car to a massage if you can treat yourself occasionally.
- Swap out your coffee (at least cut back) with herbal tea, hot water with lemon, or green tea if caffeine is a must. Sip it slowly.
- Eat smaller meals, more often, but eat slower, and always be sitting down. Eat mostly vegetables and lean proteins. Also, cut back on booze if you drink.