Foods Goats should avoid to stay at the top of their game
You love your comfort foods like everyone else, but unfortunately some of the things you consume for pleasure actually hinder your achievements in life. Yes, really! So, what should you cut down on eating and drinking?The big one is alcohol. While hard-working, stressed out Capricorns often find some solace in having a cocktail after work or relaxing at home, alcohol does not do well for your system. Limit yourself to a few drinks per week, max. You'll feel better - trust me.
Another drink to cut way back on? Anything with caffeine. If you love it, definitely still have your morning coffee... but try to stop at one to ease anxiety and prevent an energy crash later.
Avoid super sugary foods - think small portions of high quality chocolate over a bag of candy.
But most importantly, don't skip meals and then eat one huge one. That's your number one "food crime."