Go, go, go. That’s what us Geminis do. And we too-often eat in a rush or even literally on the run. That’s a big no-no. Here’s what to do instead...
1. Ditch the junk food (except a once a week treat).
2. Sit down to eat everything, even that latte in the morning or handful of nuts pre-workout.
3. Eat small portions at a time. One big meal will sit in your gut like a rock and pack on pounds. It can even lead to sleep problems.
4. You need potassium chloride. Find this in asparagus, oranges, spinach, plums, and most brightly colorful fruits and veggies.
5. You also need fish, almonds, grapefruit, apples, and raisins to help your nerves.
6. Finally, for strong bones, add some dairy or non-dairy milk with added calcium.