Sure, Aries is technically first in the Zodiac, beginning the spring season. But it’s Taurus that comes in to really make spring bloom into the promising season that it is! Your sign knows about growth, abundance, and rebirth more than any other. That is pretty special!
So, of course you’d like to deepen your Taurus connection. Here’s how!
1. Close your eyes and picture yourself becoming the earth on a warm, sunny spring day. You might be a flower or a grassy field or a sandy beach.
2. Identify areas of yourself that need to flourish... and picture a watering can pouring healing waters into this area. It could be a painful body part, a source of mental strain, or heartache. Let the waters absorb and nurture this area.
3. Now, imagine a beautiful plant emerging from where you just watered. You’ve made it beautiful, and are now sharing your beauty for all to see! How very Taurus of you.