Your secret fear is a big surprise to others, Gemini...

My friends tease me all the time about my love life, or maybe lack thereof. It’s not that I don’t date. I do. A lot, actually. But I have a tendency to bail before a relationship gets serious. One friend even joked that I “go through women like tissues.” Ouch!

Little do my friends know that I’m far from afraid to settle down. In fact, I am more afraid that I will never find someone to settle down with. But I want a soul mate, not just Ms. Right Now. I won’t commit to anyone who seems less than True Love. And talking with my Gemini pals, I’m not alone. Deep down, we are all worried we may never find The One.

What about you? Have you found your soul mate? Are you in a serious relationship but not totally sure this is the right one? Are you single and worried you will never get married? I want to know!

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