Weekly Horoscope: August 24 – August 30, 2020

By Horoscope.com

On August 23, 2020

In Astrology, Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: August 24 – August 30, 2020

This is a busy and intense week that certainly has its moments. It begins as Mars (planet of passion) squares off with Saturn (planet of structure), which could coincide with delays and obstacles. There might be a temptation to try harder, but in the end, this can cause even more frustration. Going with the flow may be best

Lively Mercury (planet of communication) forges a positive aspect with Uranus (planet of change) on Tuesday, which could see some enlightening conversations taking place. On the same day, luscious Venus (planet of love and money) opposes Jupiter (planet of abundance)—perhaps encouraging us to take the path of least resistance.

Sweet Venus aligns with Neptune (planet of illusion) on Thursday, and this alluring transit could entice us to seek out life’s luxuries—even if we can’t have it all.

Over the weekend, Mercury ties harmoniously with Jupiter and opposes ethereal Neptune—bringing a yearning for something better. Also, lovely Venus opposes Pluto (planet of change), bringing some intense emotions into the mix.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

weekly horoscope

Courtesy of @holistic_astrology


Things will be a bit tough at first this week, Aries. No matter how hard you try to get a love connection going, the square between Mars and Saturn could see you more stressed and unable to let things go. Things will loosen up over the weekend. But stay calm over the weekend; it could see you obsessing over someone.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


There’s a lot of Virgo energy happening in your love zone this week. But with Mars and Saturn having a tiff, it looks like there are some things that need to be talked out between you and your partner. We know talking isn’t your strong suit, Taurus. But this time, it may be helpful to let your worries go.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


The sun and Mercury are in your domestic zones—asking you to take some time alone, refresh your space, and decompress. However, Mars is in your social zone. This makes you eager to get out and about. This is something that can wait till the weekend, Gemini.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


It might be time to open up and share those feelings,Cancer. We know, not your favorite. But with open discussion, there are also some opportunities for growth in your relationship—thanks to Venus in your sign. This could all come to a head this weekend.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


As energies flow to more materialistic signs, you might be more freewheeling with your spending. Try to take stock of what you’ve got in the bank before you let loose, Leo. Mercury, Uranus, and Jupiter link up—asking you to see things from a new perspective regarding some life values.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


There’s so much Virgoenergy in the air this week! Make sure this week is all about you. It’s time to celebrate who you are. Mars and Saturn make a square here—which could put a damper on a project that you’re working on. Don’t worry, by the end of the week, things will be back in full motion.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.


Mars moves through your relationships zone—bringing passion and excitement. However, this week, it’ll make a square with Saturn, which could bring about a disagreement or sticky situation. Being a Libra, you’ll want compromise right away. Unfortunately, that won’t work here. Allow things to simmer down over the next couple days.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


The social zone in your chart is making you feel a bit more friendly than your Scorpioself. Try saying “yes” to a few invites. Venus in Cancer is moving through a zone that brings opportunities—especially around new adventures. This weekend, be sure to say “yes” to any fun invites that come your way or ask you to expand yourself.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Ooof, is cash a little tough right now, Sagittarius? Perhaps it’s time to take baby steps when starting out in this new skill or hobby. Try renting things and buying them along the way. Opportunities are bound to pop up this week, thanks to Uranus. But also thankfully, Venus is in a more saturated zone… making you quite the charmer.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


Some planets are still retrograde in your sign—meaning, it’s still time to reflect and figure out where you’re going in life. This week, you might see some resistance with your family regarding these new plans. But the real question is whether you want the same things that they want. It’s really all up to you, Capricorn.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


This week is all about collecting your finances and understanding where you stand with them, Aquarius. And this might be hard to do… since Venus is traveling through your lifestyle sector, with Neptune in your money zone—making you want to spend on everything you see. Just slow your roll.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Mars is angling to Saturn in your social zone. So, watch out, Pisces. Social media is not your friend this week and things can easily be blown out of proportion. Also highlighted this week are your relationships. Just be sure to keep a watch on things…. You could be romanticizing a relationship more than it deserves.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @holistic_astrology

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