Love and Romance Readings

Jumpstart your love life with love advice from the stars. Use the beneficial powers of astrology for reflection and inspiration and enjoy richer and lasting relationships.
Love Score / Love Compatibility
Are you meant for each other? Find out with Love Score - the ultimate fun, easy-to-read, accurate compatibility report!
Karma Love Report
What kind of lover you were in past lives? Your Karma Love Report reveals your soul's lessons in love and relationships!
Love Tarot
Get your love questions answered. Our famous Love Tarot is perfect for specific love questions or confusing situations.
Soul Mate Tarot
Be a double agent - get two perspectives of your love relationship to find out how well you mesh with your Soul Mate Tarot!
Magic Love Tarot
The Magic Love Tarot brings astonishing insight into the magic of love and predicts what will happen next!
Celtic Cross: Love
Find the love answers you seek. This profound, in-depth Tarot reading reveals your romantic past, present, and future.
12-Month Love Tarot Reading
Want to know your romance and relationship future? Find out what's coming next in your love life!