Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. Some Sun Signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!





7/10 Another sign

Say the word “predictability” to most other sun sign combinations and you’ll inspire passionate protestations and barely concealed yawns. “Who could possibly want that?” other signs would likely lament. And the answer is: Virgo. For two Virgos in love, that word is an aphrodisiac. Along with routine, ritual, service, and silence. Perhaps not the sexiest combination of words, but for a zodiac sign that relies on knowing and controlling outcomes, this soothes their inner anxieties. This can free Virgos up to enjoy what they otherwise would be too worried to focus on.

For this duty-bound, service-minded mutable earth sign pair, their solar expression is rooted in a desire for to be of use. They value pristine perfection, and for them, part of feeling seen and understood comes from someone else acknowledging their need to be of service. Virgos don’t need you to throw a parade for anything that they’ve done. They just want to know that it was good, it was perfect, and that it helped the other person in a significant way. Virgos love making order out of chaos, finetuning routines and schedules to run like a well-oiled machine. They want positive reinforcement about what works and feedback on what doesn’t so they can continuously improve. And when you have two people’s suns touching each other in a conjunction, or in the same zodiac sign, this is the kind of mutual magic that happens. They both see each other’s desires and are happy to provide and sustain it—even if the rest of the world can’t or won’t. 

Love CompatibilityLove CompatibilityZodiac love compatibility is complex...
Find out whether you and your partner are a perfect match!

Two Virgos will feel attuned to each other’s frequencies, with an instant acceptance of what makes the other tick. Because Virgos are hyper-focused on body language and subtle shifts in dynamics, they will be very thoughtful lovers to each other. Because Virgo is all about control in their public life, in private, they are much more prone to let loose in sexually intimate relationships. And with their penchant to please other people, Virgo will be dutiful about ensuring that their partner is satisfied by each session between the sheets. Out of the bedroom, running errands, doing favors, and talking through concerns is how Virgos show their commitment to their partner. They want to help their partner solve even the most mundane problems. But this is where they each have to tread carefully, as they will both possess an innate need to “fix” things—especially other people. Virgos are extra sensitive to criticism and don’t like to be wrong. Having another person who is wired to point out flaws may make the other feel like they are not accepted for who they are. It will also create a constant feedback loop of trying to solve the other’s problems. If Virgos can channel their inner fixer to solving problems as a couple, not trying to “solve” each other, this match can go the distance. 

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