Love Compatibility
Find out if your partnership will go all the way. Some Sun Signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!
Take the conventional definition of “power couple” and turn it entirely on its axis: that’s what you get when you combine the solar fire of Leo and the mysterious depths of Scorpio. Both of these signs are individuals who were born to attract a lot of notice. They each have their own unique personal sense of style and enviable levels of self-determinism, strength, and assertiveness. Where they differ however, is that Leo and Scorpio have completely different ways of expressing their natural vitality and, namely, their volatility. Because both signs can often feel singled out, they will both harbor feelings of being misunderstood. While each handles loneliness differently, those uncomfortable feelings of isolation can be what initially draws them together.
Leo, ruled by the sun, is much more comfortable in the public eye, with an outward facing display of power. As the sign of the Lion, Leos have an inherently regal quality to them, and like royalty, want to claim what is theirs by birthright. When others don’t understand that they have deeply held beliefs and a distinct point of view, and that they ultimately live to serve, Leo’s pride will be wounded. Scorpios, ruled by Mars (and in modern astrology, Pluto), express their will through much more subtle and secretive maneuvering. They know how to get their way, but don’t feel that being direct and brash about it as smart or strategic. For Scorpio, there is no fun in being too obvious. Others may balk from getting too close to the Scorpion, worried their piercing looks and penetrating ability to see right through people’s facades will leave them too exposed.
Because Leo and Scorpio form a tense square in the zodiac wheel, they will notice each other instantly. They will both stir up deep and possibly even uncomfortable feelings for each other. But with Leo’s gentle heart and want to connect with everyone, and Scorpio’s ability to see a person’s soulful intentions, these two can put aside their outward differences and connect on a more fundamentally honest level.
As a couple though, there can be continued power struggles throughout the relationship, with each trying to wrest control from the other. It can lead to a clash of their stubborn egos, which they are both notorious for. But like a lot of conflict, if this couple can learn to channel that energy into sexual expression, it can lead to a lot of steamy passion. (Something you might expect from water and fire dousing each other.) This will feel exciting and thrilling, and with their fixed sign modality, they will both be dedicated and loyal to each other once they decide to commit.
If these two can learn to appreciate their differences and combine the strengths of the other to ascend to whatever heights they wish to reach, Leo and Scorpio can be a force of nature. This is a pairing to be reckoned with. If the conflicts get to be too much for both to handle, this is a couple that can avoid inevitably turning into enemies if they both rationally decide they’d be better off as friends.
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