Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. Some Sun Signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!





9/10 Another sign

When two fiery attention-seekers get together, you know it’s going to be an interesting relationship. Despite their BIG personalities, they actually make a lovely couple! When these superstars put their egos to the side and share the spotlight, it is a warm and energizing match. Aries and Leo zodiac signs make a trine (four signs apart)—so, being together just feels like home. In love, they have a bond that cannot easily be broken.

Because Aries and Leo have a trine partnership, they have an immediate connection and understanding of each other on a core level. They fit together as perfectly and easily as two puzzle pieces. Aries and Leo share the same likes and dislikes in most areas of life.  They understand the need for praise and recognition, so they don’t need to ask. Both have tireless energy, so they don’t have to worry about the other slowing them down. They are also well-matched in terms of temperament and personality. Aries is passionate and confident, which compliments Leo’s joyful nature and generosity. As fire-signs, they don’t mind a little heat in a relationship—it’s what keeps it spicy.

Love CompatibilityLove CompatibilityZodiac love compatibility is complex...
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Being spicy fire signs, when they get going, they can turn the bedroom into an inferno of passion and heat. Both are more intense, so sex to them is pure fun and excitement. Leo is generous while Aries can be a little selfish in bed, but dominant Leo can certainly get what they want from the Ram. Both are leaders but also enjoy bossing each other around as foreplay. Leo loves to put on a show in bed while Aries enjoys being entertained. Ready to come up with a few new positions? This couple has them all.

This couple can get to a happily ever ending only if they slay their inner egos. Self-centered and bossy, both Aries and Leo will never be second banana to anyone, including their life partner. Leo sees life as a stage where they are the star and Aries is their love interest. Meanwhile, Aries sees themselves as a fearless leader and Leo as their faithful second-in-command. Neither agree with the other’s vision. If the two signs compete against each other for attention, or try to domineer the other, they can ruin an otherwise happy love affair.

The key to happiness here is that these two shouldn’t take the other sign (or themselves) too seriously when they get in their “bossy” moods. When Leo starts acting like a dramatic diva, Aries should just take it with a grain of salt and cheer them on. When Aries is acting like the boss of the relationship, Leo should just smile and say, “Of course, honey,” and move on. These power-trips and temper tantrums do not last long, so if they deal with them through humor and compromise, Aries and Leo can be very happy. Though to ensure happiness, they should probably work in different career fields. Otherwise, they can become too competitive.

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