Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. Some Sun Signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!





8/10 Another sign

When this dynamic duo gets together, they can literally change the world. Often brought together by common causes (charity, politics or justice-related), they make a great team when they’re charging toward a common goal. Because they both care a great deal about social issues and the world at large, they’re most likely both extreme humanitarians.  

These two are also both proudly independent, which works well for them as a couple. They don’t follow the rules that everyone else does. What works for them, works for them. They don’t need—or seek out—anyone’s approval, and their relationship might fall under the “unconventional” category in a lot of ways. The downside of this can be a sort of emotional detachment. They might not have the intense bond that other couples share. It’s best for this independent couple to make an effort to get together after they’ve had their individual adventures. This way, they can share their experiences and make the other person feel like they’re an important part of their partner’s life (because they are—they just don’t need to be attached at the hip 24/7 to prove it).

Love CompatibilityLove CompatibilityZodiac love compatibility is complex...
Find out whether you and your partner are a perfect match!

Aquarius is ruled by dedicated Saturn and the eccentric planet, Uranus, known for its rebellious and unconventional ways. This gives Aquarians their unique take on life. So, when they’re paired with another quirky Aquarius, they feel even more free to be themselves and explore the unknown. This sign also loves experimentation and they can act as each other’s scientific sidekick. They work well alongside each other or independently, discovering the secrets of the universe and figuring out how to make the world a better place.

Aquarius is an easygoing air sign, which is why they both value their freedom so much. It’s hard to pin this sign down, and after they’ve spent time apart, neither one wants to be questioned about where they were, who they were with, or what they were doing. Air signs are usually very rational people, and don’t get weighed down in excess emotion. There is usually a logical explanation for air signs, and they prefer to accept it rather than dwell on excess romantic drama.

Aquarius is a fixed sign, which means both partners can be somewhat stubborn in their ways. Yes, they’re quirky and experimental, but they both have very strong opinions about how things should go. They both respect each other’s contributions when working toward a shared goal, but there can be a lot of power struggles and control issues over whose way is the best. Progress is their main goal, but they often stand in the way of the team accomplishments by paying too much attention to individual goals.

Romantically, of course they love to experiment, but sex is usually just sex. It’s not an emotional act of lovemaking. They love to explore each other’s bodies, but sometimes it’s almost with a more detached, observational viewpoint than a sensual, romantic one. There aren’t many inhibitions when this couple gets together, and they’ll happily try new positions, toys, and techniques. But again, it’s more for the sake of experimentation than satisfying their partner.

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