Your Weekly Horoscope for September 17-24: Time to Set Those Goals (and Reach Them)!

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As lovely Venus moves into practical Virgo, you’re getting the urge to crank up your motivation and get in shape, mentally, physically, psychologically and spiritually. Luckily, the stars and planets have your back, as a new moon urges you to continue down a healthier, clearer path. But don’t get too myopic and lose focus on the larger picture: As the bright sun enters congenial Libra, your relationships may require more TLC. Taking the time for some one-on-one friend dates, leaving pockets of your weekend free for socializing, and prioritizing hanging out with your SO will all pay off greatly. As the week winds down, prioritize yourself. No shame in that game.
Aries Weekly Horoscope
Sporty Rams are ready to take things to the next level. But before you sign up for that marathon, make sure you’re prepped—which means way more than buying a new pair of sneaks. Rams often look before they leap, especially in fitness and self-improvement, where you sometimes think buying the best new products on the market equals success. Do your research, ask around, and remember: Just because it’s not “trendy,” doesn’t mean it’s not effective. In other words, Rams, for your new routine to stick, you’ve got to do some internal prep work and ask yourself: Why am I doing this, and what am I willing to give up to make it happen? You’ve got this.
Taurus Weekly Horoscope
As Venus, your personal planet, moves through your aspect of having fun and socializing, you may find a “just friend” becoming something more, or find flirting to suddenly start to feel a little more serious. Enjoy this, and follow it where it leads. Also key: paying attention to your friends and family this week. You’ve been pretty focused on work or a personal project, and find that socializing can help recalibrate some balance that’s been missing from your life these past few weeks. During the weekend, the sun moves into Libra, prompting you to tackle some larger goals, projects, and plans. Do the prep work now, and nothing’s stopping you in the future.
Gemini Weekly Horoscope
Restless Geminis are seeking a change this week. Remember, change is good, but also: It’s always better to be running toward something than away from something. If you’re dissatisfied with your life right now, find a way to change it. Even a minor tweak to your routine (like a simple daily ritual to center yourself) can lead to a major happiness boost. You’ve also been a little neglectful of your home space, which has had a major ripple effect on your life. We’re not saying making your bed will make over your mood, but it will set you on the right course. With the new moon on Tuesday in your home zone, the stars and planets are telling you to pay attention to where you are, right now—it’s important.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope
Crabs would do well to get out of their shell and make some connections. Update your LinkedIn, chat with recruiters, or just redo your resume—anything to say, I’m here and I matter, will pay off big time in your professional field this week. People have been noticing your skills, but you’ve got to step up in order to be counted. As the glowing sun moves into Libra and your home sector mid-week, it’s equally important to pay attention to your friends and family. You’re so good at giving them what they need, but what do you need from them? Asking yourself this question (and even more importantly, asking the people in your life) is essential for a satisfying fall.
Leo Weekly Horoscope
Luxury loving Lions have been having a really fun summer—but the stars say it’s time to take stock of your savings, and, if necessary, cut back a bit. While budgeting is never “fun,” it’s important to realize that saving can be a way of nurturing yourself and preparing your bank account to be ready to support you when you need it. Shifting your money mindset is key to avoid feeling deprived. Setting a plan or intention on or before September 19 can set you up for success through the next few months. As the cheery sun moves into your sector of communication on Friday, it’s a good time to focus on brushing up on your networking skills. The first step: realizing some pretty clutch professional contacts can be right in your social circle.
Virgo Weekly Horoscope
With a complex blend of energies sweeping across your sign, it’s essential that you put yourself first. You’re always there to help out, offer counsel, or otherwise support your friends, but it’s equally important to make sure you have their support when you need it. Break down some barriers and talk to a friend about your problems for a change. It may feel scary, but it’s a pretty major move that will have a positive rippling effect in the weeks ahead. And part of this is pampering yourself—doesn’t need to be an hours-long professional massage (although that sounds awesome!) a five-minute self-care routine can also do the trick.
Libra Weekly Horoscope
Feel sorta psychic? It’s not your imagination. With complex Venus in a secluded section of your chart, not only are you tuned inward in a big way, but you’re very intuitive and empathetic of others. Pay attention to the things you feel, not necessarily the things you hear. But this extra-sensitive space can have you feeling especially vulnerable, which is why it’s essential to shore up your own personal cheering squad of people you know have your back. When the sun enters your sign on Friday, you are in the zone! Get ready, clear your calendar, and watch out for things to start happening.
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
As lovely Venus activates your social sector, romantic opportunities are (finally!) seeming to gel. In addition, your social life is on fire. You have plenty of invitations, and finally feel like things are going the way you want them. A word of caution: While everything is going well, it pays to be a bit cautious. Some situations may not be exactly what they seem, and the truth will shake out next week. In the meantime, playing some details close to the chest can be prudent. Finally, remember: Everyone has flaws (even you!) When you demand perfection, it only leads to feeling unsatisfied.
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Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
A new moon in your sector of goals and ambition has you making major moves this week, Archers! Charm and a willingness to go the distance will impress all the right people. So what’s holding you back? Pleasure! Your single-minded pursuit of one goal (which you are so good at!) can leave you burned out and bitter if that’s all that is on your mind. Trust that work will only go more smoothly if you let yourself take the time to socialize, chill, and enjoy the people in your life. After all, if you can’t enjoy your leisure time, what are you working towards? Big questions like that will help you keep on the right track to a work/life balance that works for you.
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
You want to move out of your comfort zone. But, as a tried and true tied to their routine Cap, this is so much easier said than done. Here’s a hint: Feisty Mars is in your sector of travel and exploration, and Mars is urging you to literally get out of your comfort zone. Whether it’s to visit a friend or take a solo drive across the country, making plans to travel is essential for making major moves in your life. No cash? No problem. Even opening your mind up to travel, by looking through travel inspiration or following a few globe-trotting Instagram accounts, can help you figure out what you need more of in your life (hint: it’s inspiration!). Once you set your imagination on fire, nothing is stopping you!
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
Lucky Aquarius! This week, the possibility for transformation is so, so strong, giving you the motivation you need to finally make some moves toward where you want to be. The key, though, is figuring out what you want. If you’re not following a goal for your own intrinsic purposes, but more for what sounds good or what you think people want, you will come up against roadblocks. As the weekend approaches, your social sector shines. While as a rule, you don’t like to mix work and play, the stars say it’s the best weekend to talk through your career goals and concerns with a friend. Turn up the radio, hit the road, and get some internal stuff sorted!
Pisces Weekly Horoscope
Now is the time to make some moves, Fish! With powerful influences in the relationship sector of your chart, now’s the time to schedule a date, talk next steps, or even just get together with a friend. But you’re also still coming out of an incredibly introspective few months, and the stars are still in a secluded sector of your chart. What this means: Leave plenty of time for self care, make sure your own priorities get plenty of play throughout the week, and remember that you are so, so important. Loyal Pisces tend to swim with the pack; the stars are reminding you this week that sometimes, the strongest fish are the ones who break away and follow their own current (or internal guide).
Read last week’s horoscope here!
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