Your Weekly Horoscope for October 8-15, 2017: Write Your Own Story


On October 8, 2017

In Future, Horoscope, Spirit

Your Weekly Horoscope for October 8-15, 2017: Write Your Own Story

The stars bring huge changes in the month ahead. Get the full scoop with your premium October horoscope!

Brace yourself, especially on Monday. As the cheery sun and upbeat Mercury angle toward passionate Pluto, misunderstandings could occur, and a work situation or meeting could include a critical conversation. All signs will have to think fast on their feet and be willing to easily pivot, listen to other people’s concerns, and be able to speak up for themselves. It’s an all-zodiac-signs-for-themselves type of week. While it’s easy to get caught up in that jockeying, intense energy, try to step back. The ship isn’t sinking. The lifeboats have room for everyone. And the more calmly you can walk through the week, the better. So relax, do yoga, breathe, and know that this week does not define your future—you do.

Aries Weekly Horoscope 
Empathy will guide you through the beginning of the week, Rams, especially when you try to get someone to see your side of a situation. On Tuesday, lucky Jupiter enters your sector of transformation, and the sky is the limit. But again, the old question comes up: What do you want to do with your life, and how will you get there? The more soul searching you do this week, the better positioned you’ll be for the future. But as the Thursday harvest moon in your sign ignites your energies, you’re prone to distraction, and may find yourself caught up in a flirtation session. If you’re attached, be cautious. Single? Before you make a move, know exactly what you want out of the situation, and proceed from there. 

Taurus Weekly Horoscope    
Bulls have been hard on themselves on and off all summer, and the trend is continuing this fall. Ask yourself: What opportunities are you missing? What’s holding you back? Confront the fear—ignoring it just isn’t working. As optimistic and expansive Jupiter moves into your sector of relating at the end of the week, it’s a great time to enlist friends and mentors to help you build yourself up. And if one area of your life is frustrating you, don’t focus on it! The harvest full moon from last week still adds extra oomph to your sex life; time to schedule a date night?

Is love in your stars?

Gemini Weekly Horoscope    
You’re putting a ton of pressure on yourself, and the more stressed you are, the less accomplished you feel. It’s a vicious cycle, right? So what’s the answer? The gym is one sanctuary; having sex (with someone you love!) is another. But Gemini, it’s also time to stop blaming other people or past situations for where you are right now. The more embroiled you get in the what if, the harder it is to manifest the what’s next. This week, as lucky Jupiter moves into Scorpio, let go, and get excited about what’s next, because it will be so, so good. 

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
Finally, Crabs are getting a break! Expansive Jupiter moves into your leisure sector on Tuesday, and it’s giving you Friday vibes. Roll with them. You tend to hold yourself to pretty high standards, but what happens when you just let go and let certain things clise a bit? You may find that people are much more forgiving than you are. This week is all about play—do something fun, meet someone new, and see what happens when you live life past your expectations. Remember, relaxing is pretty damn important and you’re going to likely find that you’ll be even more productive after doing “nothing” for a few hours. 

Leo Weekly Horoscope
You’re stressed by a few situations beyond your control, but it’s so important to step back and see big picture, Lions. Whatever the situation is, obsessing about it and talking about it is getting in the way from your own enjoyment and productivity. As Jupiter enters your home and family sector on Tuesday, it’s a good time to take stock of what (and who) you have in your life. Someone in your family needs your support—reach out, especially to the people you may not have spoken with recently. Jupiter will stay there for a year, and it may be a great time to shift your focus to this part of your life—what do you want your home life to look like a year from now? Big changes could be on the horizon—the universe is just waiting for you to make your move. 

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 
You’ve been committed to trying to change a friend or family member’s mind, but let it go—at least for now. It’s not that they aren’t listening, it’s just that they need a little bit of time. This coming weekend may be the best time to revisit that covnersation. As expansive Jupiter moves into your sector of networking and communication on Tuesday, it’s a great time to focus on your career—where you are, where you want to be, and what’s holding you back. It’s here for the next year, so no rush, but it’s a really good time to set a big, expansive, scary goal: The universe has your back and you can achieve it within a a year, if you want it. 

Libra Weekly Horoscope 
You’re a master negotiator, but this week is a great time to step back, observe, and listen rather than trying to persuade. Patience wins the day, and you’re also going to get a lot of intel you need in the process. On Tuesday, optimistic Jupiter moves into your financial sector. It’s there for a year, and you may notice a big boost and positive changes upfront, within the first week. This is awesome! Don’t get too cocky and be cautious about big-ticket purchases. If the money isn’t in your account, you can’t afford it yet. But you will down the line. The more you can separate emotions from money, the better you’ll be—deep breaths and second (or third) check-ins with yourself before you buy. 

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 
Woosh. That’s the sound of you breathing a huge sigh of relief. It’s been an intense few weeks, but on Tuesday, Jupiter enters your sign for a yearlong stay. This is what you’ve been waiting for and working toward for months, and you may feel overwhelmed with just how easy things seem. Conversations and opportunities flow toward you, and your only difficulty is prioritizing what and who is most important of all the people and prospects you want a piece of you. Remember to pencil in some time for yourself—it’s essential. And arguments, which may manifest as jealousy, will come up. You’re great at being combative, but this is a year to really experiment with empathy—it’ll only get you farther. 

Tired of being alone? See what’s in the cards with a free tarot Love Reading.  

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 
Deep thoughts abound this week, as Jupiter shifts signs. Your personal planet, expansive Jupiter is telling you to ask yourself the hard questions this year, as it moves to your spiritual sector for a twelve-month stay. Archers may be tempted to cast aside these questions and thoughts, but they would do well to really consider them, sit with them, and follow them down the paths they lead. A life coach or mentor can be extremely helpful. Figure out whose life you like and what lessons you can learn. The lessons the universe is posing to you are ones that should not be gone through alone—the more people in you corner, the better.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 
The beginning of the week is stress city, Caps, as you clash with someone important to you. This is due to a few conflicting aspects scattered across your sign; as much as you can, delay any arguments, keep to yourself, and know that things will settle with very little movement on your side if you play it cool. An intense argument could take weeks to untangle. Luckily, Jupiter moves into your social sector on Tuesday—a shift that will elevate your social life, will rekindle old connections, and will remind you of the importance of the ties you have with other people. The more connections you make, the happier you’ll be. It may be a pain to set up dates and meetups, but do so whenever possible this week; it will actually lower your stress. 

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 
This is your year, Aquarius! You’ve had a lot of big, bold, plans you’ve put on the backburner because of schedules, commitment, life! But as confident Jupiter enters your sector of career and ambition on Tuesday, now’s the time to cast aside the excuses, doubts, and delays and just follow your gut and get it done. You need a workable plan, a flirtation session.You also need to believe in the power of tiny steps—the sky’s the limit, even if you only have 10 minutes a day for your passion project. Finally, don’t let excitement cross the line to arrogance—people want to be on your side, but you can’t dictate the ways in which they will support you. 

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 
The beginning of the week may start with a major fallout with a friend. While it may seem the two of you have no middle ground, think again. A confusing blend of aspects may make it tough to talk it out—just wait for things to settle rather than getting caught up in a war of right or wrong. Luckily, the universe sets up a prime distraction: Jupiter enters your sector of far horizons on Tuesday. You may automatically see an uptick of travel opportunities or may find yourself captivated by a foreign stranger or situation. Remember, it’s a whole big world out there, and there’s a place for you in it! 

Read last week’s horoscope here!

Read your October horoscope here! 

For more spirituality, mysticism, and advice for bringing your spirit to the next level, Follow us on Instagram.

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