Your Weekly Horoscope for November 5 to November 12: Stop and Admire the View!


On November 5, 2017

In Aspect, Love, Spirit

Your Weekly Horoscope for November 5 to November 12: Stop and Admire the View!

Want a sneak peek into 2018? Find out what to expect right now with your 2018 premium horoscope! 

Venus and Scorpio enhance each other’s attributes this week, as passion and love meet across all signs. Expect fireworks! Enjoy them. While these signs could create a few conflicts, they will likely to be the type to only make you closer in the long run. On Thursday, as the ambitious sun links with mercurial Pluto, expect to make a decision or move—especially one you may not have seen coming. And the work continues through the weekend, when industrious Saturn and innovative Uranus link. What this means? Even though you may be off the clock, expect work to continue—you may meet someone in a social setting who has the power to bring your career to the next level, or you may want to fire up your laptop and get work done in the middle of the night next weekend. Go with the flow. Here, all horoscopes for the week of November 5 to November 12.

Aries Weekly Horoscope 
Feisty Mars moves across Libra in your sector of relationships, and you may find yourself compromising more than you usually would to make people in your life happy. Even more disconcerting? This move doesn’t feel bad at all. You may find, when you let go of trying to be right, everything runs more smoothly—it’s a life lesson to consider as you go through the first part of the week. Toward the middle of the week, there’s a potent aspect in your sector of transformation. Whether it’s something external (finally ready to try those pink streaks in your hair?) or internal (maybe it is time to go back to school) it pays to follow your curiousity and see where it leads.  

Taurus Weekly Horoscope  
Venus sweeps into Scorpio and your sector of relating on Tuesday, where it joins the ambitious Sun and optimistic Jupiter. This is a very auspicious aspect, and if you’re single, it means it’s an amazing time to meet someone. Fire up your dating app of choice! Attached? Expect to feel a shift for the better in your relationship. You may find it easier to talk about the hard stuff or find your schedules are naturally syncing into place in a way that makes both of you feel even closer. Your social life also feels effortless, but pay attention to subtext: Some major shifts are occuring; stay on top of them and see where they lead.

Is love in your stars?

Gemini Weekly Horoscope    
Messenger Mercury is in your relationship zone early in this week. You’re unstoppable in your flirty text game, and it’s also a great time to enlist friends to help you meet your perfect match if you’re single. Attached? Expect conversation to flow. You’re also majorly focused on your lifestyle, and this is a great week to make habits stick. But it won’t happen naturally. Switching up your schedule and making sure you have plenty of time and emotional energy to achieve the things you want is key. 

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
You’ve been working hard in all areas of your life, and this week, expansive Jupiter is telling you to take a (small) break and truly enjoy the things you love in your life. Long lunch with a friend? A glass of wine on a weekday evening? Binge-watching Stranger Things until 5am? Whatever it is, the pressure is off in a lot of ways this week, giving you the time to just enjoy. Remember, Crabs, it’s all about balance. And speaking of balance, when was the last time you did something for your relationship? Maybe a night in a hotel could be exactly what you need to bring your relationship beyond the same-old and into the extraordinary. 

Leo Weekly Horoscope
You’ve had a few intense family issues over the last few months, but as nurturing Venus enters your family and home zone in the early part of the week, things are finally settling down and you truly are loving and appreciating your friends and family (and your friends that are like family) May we suggest planning some pre-holiday festivities? You love the spotlight, and a party can be exactly what you need to bring your confidence back where you need it to be. It doesn’t even have to be a big deal. Have people bring drinks and snacks, you provide the music and the space. The more you pull back from your work-work-work ambition, the more you may find ideas naturally flowing toward you!

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 
Networking takes center stage this week, as Venus encourages you to talk to people and make IRL connections (nope, text doesn’t count) As the week progresses, you may find some interactions becoming especially intense, and if you’re single, may be getting mixed signals from someone you assumed was just a friend. Everything will be more clear in the next week or so, for now, enjoy the butterflies. And if you have any home issues you want done before the holidays, don’t delay. This is the time to make moves in your home sector. 

Libra Weekly Horoscope 
You love luxury, but are eh on budgeting. But as Venus moves into your resources sector, budgeting is a must as you find yourself tempted by all sorts of gifts you want to buy … for yourself. While your own holiday list of wants for you may be a mile long, getting started now on buying for others will help ward off pre-holiday panic in December, and can also be incredibly useful in making sure you have a holiday you can actually afford. And Libra, let your money work for you! Learning about the law of abundance could be very important in the week ahead.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 
This week is amazing, Scorpio! You’re finally over the overthinking you’ve been doing (admit it, you’ve done it!) and now feel so much more free to truly enjoy life and everything that comes your way. You’re pretty irresistible this week, Scorpio—people want to be surrounded by your company, so enjoy the spotlight. You also may find all these connections valuable to obtain whatever you truly desire. You’re not “using people,” it’s networking, and as long as everyone is on the same page, everyone is happy. 

Tired of being alone? See what’s in the cards with a free tarot Love Reading.  

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 
There’s a major emphasis on your spiritual sector, and it may feel like your subconscious is working overtime. Listen to it. As you ramp up toward your birthday, you’re doing a big introspective inventory of what you want to accomplish in the year ahead. You may feel like you’re a bit more private than usual, and a bit more discerning about invitations, but know that’s only because of where you are in the year. While some opportunities may come your way this week, for both romantic and professional situations, don’t get overly invested in anything this week. Things may drag. Don’t worry. You need the extra time, and if the situation is right, it will work out!

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 
Passionate Pluto ignites your relationship sector, and you may find holiday-like festivities are starting this week. Your calendar is filling up, but just go with the flow. As far as relationships, you have a reputation for being picky—even with people you select as friends. But this week, the stars may bring someone into your life who may not seem like a “fit.” But hear them out. This person could be exactly who has been missing from your life.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 
Ambitious Jupiter has pushed you in the spotlight this week, Aquarius, and you are loving and thriving in the attention. And when coy Venus enters this sector on Tuesday, you’re unstoppable. Competition is intense this week. Instead of thinking of the situation as a Hunger Games style fight to the death, look to Katniss as your role model and find people—even your opponent—to ally yourself with. You’ll get far more done with more people behind you than you ever would alone. (Need more convincing? Read how to turn jealousy into inspiration!

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 
Your income receives a very welcome boost, either this week or in the upcoming weeks. But this income boost may come with an increased workload, at the same time as you’re feeling a travel itch. You can do both—work hard and travel—but you have to be very clear on what you want. Make a happiness board and think about what your new year will look like, as the things that happen in the next few weeks will pave the way for wht will happen in 2018. 

Feature illustration by Debra Cartwright. 

Read last week’s horoscope here!

Read your November horoscope here! 

For more spirituality, mysticism, and advice for bringing your spirit to the next level, Follow us on Instagram.

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