Your Weekly Horoscope for March 25 to April 1: How Will a Libra Full Moon Jumpstart Your Spring?


On March 25, 2018

In Astrology, Date, Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope for March 25 to April 1: How Will a Libra Full Moon Jumpstart Your Spring?

On Tuesday, you could question someone in authority, but is this wise? Luscious Venus aligns with electric Uranus on Wednesday, which could coincide with an instant attraction. Venus moves into Taurus on Friday, where she feels very much at home. This could encourage you to stop and smell the roses and revel in the sights and sounds of nature. The full moon in Libra on Saturday can be excellent for fun and celebration. Finally, the sun merges with chatty Mercury on Sunday, so thoughts can easily translate into action. Here, your weekly horoscope for March 25 to April 1. 

Want a sneak peek into 2018? Find out what to expect right now with your 2018 premium horoscope! 

Aries Weekly Horoscope 
You could be more rebellious than ever now that the sun is in your sign and Venus is linking to Uranus. The desire to throw caution to the wind and take a risk may be very pronounced. However, there is something that you need to let go of or finish before you can do what you want to do. Once you’ve done this, things will go much more quickly. Be especially careful not to annoy anyone in authority on Thursday.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope  
Although everything in your world seems quite stable right now, you can’t help but feel a bit antsy. You’re restless without really knowing why. There may be an idea, vision, or dream within you just waiting to be born. Amid the busyness of your daily life, try to find some time for reflection and give this idea or heartfelt desire a chance to reveal itself. Then you’ll know what to do. On Thursday, don’t be too hasty. Think things through.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope    
With Mercury now retrograde in your social zone, you might want to do some background research before you get involved in a community project or team plan. Taking time to get your thoughts in coherent form will give you a much better chance of success. Friends may be encouraging you to go wild, break out of the mold, and take a risk. Be especially careful on Thursday, however. Do yourself a favor and refuse to be drawn into any dubious schemes, especially if they promise instant riches.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
You could be forgiven for wondering what is going on with your career. New work may come out of the blue without you doing anything much to chase it, while jobs that have been ongoing could be subject to change. Think carefully on Thursday, when one situation may come to a head. You might need to make an important decision. The full moon in your wellness zone on Saturday can be a call to indulge in some self-care and make it a regular habit.

Leo Weekly Horoscope
Concerning home and family matters, you appear to be attracting good things your way. Lucky Jupiter in this sector can be perfect for thinking outside the box and researching options that could bring a new beginning. However, you do need to be careful of Mercury retrograde. This isn’t the best time to take a risk. You can prepare for when this phase is over. With a lovely full moon in your communication zone on Saturday, you could feel especially attracted to a wonderful person.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 
You love learning and teaching, which is why the current planetary setup is so good for you. If you have knowledge that no one else has, you could make a lot of money by selling your skills. This is also a good time to plan and perhaps earn a fortune. Even though upbeat Jupiter in your communication zone is retrograde, don’t worry. It’s better to start than not to bother at all. At the time of the full moon on Saturday, try to avoid spending too much.

Libra Weekly Horoscope 
A sparkling attraction could get the week off to a great start. Will this bond last? It can if you nurture it. However, it’s often the small things that go wrong that frustrate us when Mercury is retrograde, as it is now. In your case, it could be an issue with a lover or friend that you can’t seem to resolve. As lovely Venus enters a more intense sector of your chart, you could find that a special romance becomes closer and more intimate, just the way you like it.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 
While work relationships continue to flourish, you can and should make the most of them. There is ample opportunity to go far, especially if you decide to become a partner in a creative team or pair up with another person to accomplish something special. Don’t stop now, because you have so much to gain. Regarding health, you may find you get sporadic aches and pains that are largely due to stress. Stay relaxed and consider learning to meditate. It could benefit you enormously.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
You are eager to have fun and more willing to take a risk, whether by initiating a romance or going on an adventure. While cost could be an issue, you might be willing to pay the extra money if the experience is worth it. With bubbly Venus entering your lifestyle sector on Friday, a soothing massage could be just perfect. A full moon in your social sector over the weekend can be excellent for a celebration or other get-together, and it could be a lot of fun.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 
With communicator Mercury currently retrograde, it would help to keep a grip on your household expenses. It might be wise to plan for the coming week, month, and even year and make a list of what you spend every day. The more you can keep track of everything, the easier it will be to keep your home happy and in good order. When lovely Venus enters your romance zone on Friday, your love life could sparkle with sensual delights.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 
You could get a message from a former lover or college pal inviting you to get back in touch. Don’t turn down this invitation, because it might work out better than you think. The chance to catch up and perhaps renew the relationship is a real possibility. On another note, be careful that you don’t give out mixed signals, because someone may think you feel something for them when you’re just being nice. From Friday, your home can be a haven of peace and nurturing.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 
With Mercury retrograde in your personal financial zone, make sure you check your bank statements and take extra care when purchasing anything online. Keep your credit cards safe, too, as this is one time when they are more likely to get lost. Life at home seems especially blessed from Friday. This can be a great time to invest in your property by enhancing it in whatever way seems appropriate. You might even want to splurge on giving your place a whole new look.

Make 2018 your year! Here’s how!

Read last week’s horoscope here! 

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