Your Weekly Horoscope for March 11 to March 19: A Pisces New Moon Turns Over a New Leaf


On March 11, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Your Weekly Horoscope for March 11 to March 19: A Pisces New Moon Turns Over a New Leaf

Last week, Jupiter went retrograde, where it will remain until July. But that’s not the only major transit this month. Feisty Mars moves into Capricorn for a six week stay toward the end of the week, which may make all signs take everything they say a little more seriously than usual. Don’t make any promises you can’t keep. On Tuesday, lovely Venus angles toward sobering Saturn, and all signs may not say what they truly mean, especially when it comes to love. On Tuesday, the sun links to jovial Jupiter, which can give you the confidence to follow your intuition and trust your gut. And on Saturday, a new moon in Pisces helps you turn over a new leaf. Here, your weekly horoscope for March 11 to March 19.
Want a sneak peek into 2018? Find out what to expect right now with your 2018 premium horoscope! 

Aries Weekly Horoscope 
When Venus and Saturn angle toward each other on Tuesday, you may get in trouble with a higher-up at work for voicing your opinion or acting without express permission. If you feel like the situation is unreasonable, set up a meeting and talk your side to your boss. Honest communication can get you out of the stickiest situations. Your intuition is at a peak toward the end of the week, and the new moon encourages you to pay attention to your dreams—they may reveal next steps for a problem that’s been on your mind for a few weeks or months. And when feisty Mars enters Capricorn on Saturday? There is no stopping you! 

Taurus Weekly Horoscope  
This is a week to say what you think, and stop worrying about hurting other people’s feelings. You have a situation where you’ve held your tongue, but it may be best to just spit it out and let the cards fall where they may. On Saturday, the new moon is in your social sector, and you may get some intriguing invites—say yes to everything, sort out who you want in your life later. This isn’t a week for caution. And as feisty Mars enters your exploration sector, be on the lookout for trip invites, or get ready to start planning vacation. 

Gemini Weekly Horoscope    
Your social life is on point, Gemini, thanks to Venus and Mercury in your social zone. You’re meeting all sorts of people, and you may feel shy approaching someone. Don’t be. Everyone loves a compliment, and they may be just as intrigued by you! Stop overthinking and take action. On Saturday, the new moon is in your career sector, and this can be a great thing, although unsettling. Change is coming; far better to lean into it, Feisty Mars can help you let go of the past, but trust that something bigger and better is on the horizon. 

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
Work is tricky to navigate this week, with a lot of political interoffice drama at play. You’re getting a lot of accolades in your career, but someone may be jealous and angling against you. Don’t let things lie. If someone truly is trying to sabotage your work (and not to make you paranoid, but they may be doing that!) then it’s best to nip it in the bud, maybe by looping in with your manager. The new moon on Saturday is in your sector of travel, and not a moment too soon. Time to finally pull the trigger on a trip idea. 

Leo Weekly Horoscope
You may feel like change is coming, as a certain project draws naturally to a close, thanks to Mars in the last degree of Sagittarius. It feels good to get things done and finally get them off your plate. And as Mars moves into Capricorn, your lifestyle is in focus. It’s a great time to join the gym or try Whole30, if you have a personal goal, you’re likely to achieve it thanks to this planetary influence. And what about summer? Your travel sector is lighting up, so plan a trip already if you haven’t! 

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 
Luscious Venus angles toward Saturn, and you’re going back and forth over whether you should share your true feelings with someone. Do it! What’s the downside? You’re often cautious, Virgo, but this week, it pays to be bold. Even if the answer isn’t what you hoped, you may find certainty to be pretty helpful to have in your life. The new moon occurs on Saturday in your relationship sector, so love is in the air, and love will happen. Remember that: Love will happen. It’s not under your control, so say what you wish! It’s so freeing to be honest with your emotions. And on Saturday, Mars enters your communication zone, making it the best time to get used to speaking up and letting your voice be heard. 

Libra Weekly Horoscope 
Family issues kick off the week, and you may feel frustrated by the way a family member is interacting with you. Try to step into their shoes, and try to approach them from a place of empathy and compassion. Since you’re a Libra, this comes easily to you, but it’s worth a reminder as emotions run especially high. The sun aligns with Jupiter in your sector of values, and you truly may have grown out of the family dynamic that your family member is trying to play—so talk about it, bring it up, and see what’s going on. The new moon in Pisces on Saturday gives you a second chance when it comes to personal goals—you may have slipped due to some stressors in your life, now is your chance to get back on track. 

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 
This week focuses on relationships, and you may find some fights occuring at the beginning of the week. These seem to come out of nowhere, but chances are, they have their roots in an event from the past, that may have occured with very little fanfare at the time. This is a time to break down barriers and get closer than you have before. You’ve been holding back. Now’s the time to let it all out. Don’t worry about the other person seeing you as raw or messy; they want to see you exactly as you are. Over the weekend, Feisty Mars moves into your sector of talk and thought; it’s a great time to network, meet new people, and really get outside of your comfort zone. 

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
Adventure is on the horizon, with Mercury and Venus sailing through your leisure sector. You may be put off by the cost, and you may have a point, especially if you don’t have infinite reserves of cash, ie, if you’re most people! So what do you do? You can get creative about financing, but this may be a good time to really look at your financials and come up with a system that will allow you to enjoy these trips without guilt when they do come up. The new moon occurs on Saturday in your home and family sector—it’s a good time to stay home, relax, and, bonus, save money in the process, too. 

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 
Family issues are on your mind this week, and as delightful Venus angles toward Saturn, your guide planet, you may feel like you’re the only one who has any foot in reality. So do you share your point of view and ruin your family’s planning? Maybe. It may be best to wait until next week, when everything is more certain. Your family may be indulging in a collective fantasy and you bringing them down could alienate you from everyone. They may want your advice later, when and if their plans inch toward reality. Over the weekend, Mars moves into your sign—a prime time to really home in on a goal or project. 

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 
You’re dealing with a lot, so talk about it! You may be wanting to circle the wagons and keep things to yourself, but there’s a lot of relief to be had in sharing your struggle, and you may find doing so gives you some much needed relief, too. This weekend, feisty Mars moves into your spiritual sector, and you’re grappling with some big deal questions and concerns in your head. You may be on the precipice of a pretty big change, but right now, have patience. Change is coming, but not on your timeline. Your dreams may reveal more than reality does right now, pay attention to your dreams, especially on Saturday, when the new moon is in Pisces. 

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 
On Tuesday, the sun is in Pisces, forming a connection to Jupiter, and this can be a golden day for you! Expansive Jupiter expands your horizons, and it may be a great day to say yes to a trip, meet new people, or otherwise fully extend the range of experiences you’ve been having. You may feel like friends are on the sidelines, being judgmental, and it’s up to you how you engage with them. For the time being, it may be best to ignore them and keep them at a distance, their observations may just be too pointed and taken too personally this week. On Saturday, the new moon is in your sign, and it’s the best day to start toward a goal, dream, or idea. 

Make 2018 your year! Here’s how!

Read last week’s horoscope here! 

art by Ruben Ireland. Find his work on Society6. 

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