Your Weekly Horoscope for February 4 to February 11: Connections are Everything

This is a great week to get things done—on both a personal and professional level. As the week begins, lovely Venus makes a sextile to Uranus, which encourages you to expand your social circle. On February 7, a quarter moon in Scorpio may finally lead to the culmination of a project you’ve been working on for awhile. It’s smart to make sure all details are hammered out prior to the seventh. On the tenth, sociable Venus moves into mysterious Pisces, and your compassionate side comes out. It’s not about money this week, it’s about connections. Toward the end of the week, the sun angles toward Jupiter, providing fun plans for all signs. Your weekly horoscope for February 4 to February 11.
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Aries Weekly Horoscope
This is a great week for socializing. Lovely Venus expands your social circle on February 6, and a new friendship or relationship could take center stage. This could be a friend or partner in your life for just a season, but this person may be there for longer—it’s important for you to take the lead in nurturing the connection you have. Tuesday, the quarter-moon in Scorpio may ratchet up pressure at work; make sure you have a firm grasp of all the details. On Saturday, sociable Venus moves into Pisces and you may be asking yourself the big questions, including how you can help others in your life. You’ll find the answer.
Taurus Weekly Horoscope
The sun in the topmost sector of your chart at the beginning of the week puts you in the spotlight. The entire week is about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, saying yes to projects, plans, and last-minute invites that come your way. You may be surprised at just how much you like pushing yourself—the added stress is augmented by pleasure. Toward the end of the week, Venus, your ruling planet, moves into Pisces. Expect your social life to get an extra dose of sparkle.
Gemini Weekly Horoscope
Adventure can be yours this week, Gemini. You’ve been doing a great job playing within the lines and playing by the rules, but this week, you’re itching to rebel. Do so smartly, and you’ll be richly rewarded. Who says you can’t stay up all night, then go to work? Life should be pleasurable and passionate, and when it is, you’re truly firing on all cylinders and doing your best work. Toward the end of the week, lovely Venus cranks up your charm. You catch many more flies with honey.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope
The advice of the week is hurry up and wait. Your mind is going a mile a minute, and you’re eager to progress in various endeavors, from the romantic to the financial. And while you can and will get everything you want in life, slowing down is crucial. Follow your gut and make sure you don’t make any sudden moves. This is particularly related to financial endeavors. Make sure you see the whole picture and know your current financial status before moving forward on a plan.
Leo Weekly Horoscope
Relationships get a boost this week, and you’re feeling the love. If you’re single, expect an encounter to get intense, fast. You may feel like this is it, but it’s important to not get too swept away. Love is love, and love will come to you—don’t shirk on work or projects you’ve already committed to. Over the weekend, luscious Venus enters your home zone, and you’re taking stock of what you surround yourself with and where you live. Change may be coming, as okay just is no longer good enough for you, Leo.
Virgo Weekly Horoscope
You’ve been on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster since the new year, and this is the week where everything finally seems on an even keel. Now, it’s time to focus on some habits and behaviors that can anchor your life. Putting some workouts or clean eating into place can be especially smart, Virgo. You may have a tendency this week to play the martyr, tacking on multiple assignments or projects. You must self-advocate for yourself. Jovial Jupiter sends sparkling energy your way for the weekend—make plans and you won’t soon forget them.
Libra Weekly Horoscope
It’s all about the money, this week. The quarter-moon in Scorpio midweek casts a light on your finances, and you may have been living beyond your means, or overly investing in a prospect that’s not quite certain or not giving you the returns you need. Shoring up your financial strategy will lead to a lot more mental energy—you’ve been spending a lot of time thinking and worrying about money. Cutting back is smart. This coming weekend, jovial Jupiter will send fun plans your way, and know that having fun does not require you spending a lot of cash.
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
You’ve made some major strides in the past few weeks, and now, the planets urge you to look closer to home for improvements. You may find a small purchase or fix can change your comfort level. Lovely Venus and electric Uranus urge you this week to focus on the small things; Yes, a slow cooker or oversize travel coffee mug really could add multiple points to your own personal happiness scale. But it’s not all external purchases that make the difference this week. Sexy Venus enters your romance zone this coming weekend, and playing the pursuer instead of the pursued, may be the delicious thrill your life has been missing.
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
The midweek quarter moon can help get you unstuck, but you’ve got to work with it. This is a week of getting things done, but if you put your nose to the grindstone, you’ll be pretty excited by the rewards. You may be pretty shocked at just how much mental real estate these undone tasks have been taking. Toward the end of the week, luscious Venus lights up your home zone, making it an ideal time to do those self-improvement projects you’ve (also!) been putting off. Lesson: You sometimes bite off more than you chew, and today is the day to finish the meal.
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
The Scorpio quarter-moon invites you to expand your social circle. You’re sometimes suspicious of others, but this is a good week to say ‘why not?’ If you don’t have fun at a happy hour, all you’ve invested is an hour or two of your time, and the rewards may be worth it. Take a chance. That said, your suspicions may sometimes be warranted. If someone asks you for money, it’s okay to simultaneously still be with friends with them and say no. Boundaries are everything this week. Saturday, Venus casts some nostalgia around you. Plan a reunion or call or text an old friend.
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
This can be an exciting week, Aquarius! Venus in your sign ignites with electric Uranus, and anything, including spontaneous overseas travel, is possible. But before you pack your bags, take stock of your responsibilities. The quarter-moon in Scorpio may bring up some issues or responsibilities that need to be addressed before you pursue pleasure. You can have a big, bold, bright life and hit targets and benchmarks.
Pisces Weekly Horoscope
You’re doing some major thinking of how to bring your life to the next level. Don’t overthink it! Try a yoga class, go for a short run, try meditation—if you don’t like it, you don’t need to continue. An all or nothing attitude may be holding you back. It’s time to parse through what’s true and what false beliefs you may hold. Luscious Venus enters your sign over the weekend, and it may be time for some pampering. You need to put your own needs first this week, Pisces.
Make 2018 your year! Here’s how!
Read last week’s horoscope here!
Image from Dorian Legret. Find the artist’s work on Society6.
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