Your Weekly Horoscope for February 18 to February 25: Ready for a Miracle?


On February 18, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Your Weekly Horoscope for February 18 to February 25: Ready for a Miracle?

This is a great week to take your dreams and make them a reality. When you put your mind to something, you can achieve it, especially if you allow yourself to trust in the universe and your intuition. Midweek is especially aupicious, as different planetary aspects emerge that can shift the fortunes of every sign. Venus and Neptune merge; Mercury aligns with Saturn, and suddenly, what used to only seem like a distant possibility seems close to reality. Truat that things really can be that easy. On Friday, a Gemini quarter-moon can be a milestone day. Be aware this weekend that relationships may be tense; honesty is the way forward. Be aware, be honest, be true to yourself. Your weekly horoscope for all star signs for February 18 to February 25. 

Want a sneak peek into 2018? Find out what to expect right now with your 2018 premium horoscope! 

Aries Weekly Horoscope 
Your dreams and gut are all telling you something, the only trouble is, you may not be listening to the signs and signals the universe is giving you. You have several planets in your spiritual sector, and you may be drawn to coincidences, connections, and spiritual practices—but may just as easily be pulled away or distracted. Dreams are everything this week, and pay attention to the signals your gut is giving you, especially when it comes to who you should and shouldn’t speak with. This coming weekend is a great one to stretch your horizons; push yourself out of your comfort zone and watch miracles happen. 

Taurus Weekly Horoscope  
As Mars sweeps through your sector of transformation, change is coming, whether you want it to or not. Embrace change and spearhead it; trying a fitness or diet routine can be especially good this week, and can make you feel in control. When it comes to changes out of your control, graciousness is the way to go. Remember, when an ending occurs, a beginning does as well. Your social sector sparkles all week, it’s a great one to break from routine and try something new. And make plans for the weekend, when Mercury and Neptune combine. These two powerhouse planets suggest you speak your mind, follow your soul, and do something that frightens you—you’ll be pleased with the results. 

Gemini Weekly Horoscope    
Work is stressful AF this week. Consider it a time to learn some lessons, both about yourself and your coworkers, as well as firm up any boundaries you may have in regard to your time and your personal life. Midweek, as Venus and Neptune combine in your career sector, you may have to make a tough decision when it comes to prioritizing your career or your relationship. This choice will have implications either way, but knowing you can’t please everyone may be helpful. Later in the week, a connection between Mercury and Saturn help you put your own interests first. And this coming weekend makes up for any annoying work stuff, when an interesting new person comes into your life and may have the ability to make your life much better. 

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
This is a golden week—well deserved after a tough few months. Powerful aspects, both in your sector of travel and your sector of romance, signal fun, intrigue, and excitement in the upcoming weeks and months ahead. And as your personal life settles down, you’re thinking big, and may be drawn to new ideas, experiences, or even thinking about going back to school. As Mercury and Saturn align with the sun at the end of the week, you’re truly feeling the full effects of last week’s eclipse, and may see signs about what the next chapter of your life will look like. You’ve worked for this. You’re ready for this.

Leo Weekly Horoscope
You want change, you want it now, and you’re feeling frustrated, Leo. This week, focus on what you can change, and focus on baby steps, not big leaps. It may be a good time to shift gears—if you’ve been devoted to work, set up a few personal life goals, or vice versa. Your feelings may also be churning beneath the surface, the stars say midweek is a good time to truly feel them. Some messy tears and loud feelings are far better than keeping your emotions hidden. Trust that the people closest to you can handle these emotions. Toward the end of the week, an awkward angle between lovely Venus and feisty Mars indicates a potential romantic issue, especially if you’re in a newish relationship. It may be best to hang back, rather than push an issue or try to lock down commitment. 

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 
Four planets in your sector of relating means everyone’s in your business, and everyone has an opinion. You may see a lot of different groups and people merging or mingling, and it may not be comfortable. The trick this week is to not take anything personally, and not try to control how other people interact. You can control yourself. That’s it! It’s also key to speak up if you’re uncomfortable. A tie between Saturn and Mercury suggests that if you want compromise, you need to ask for it. You may need to have some uncomfortable conversations—both with others and yourself—this week, but they’ll be worth it and can make everything much smoother as the month closes out. 

Libra Weekly Horoscope 
Boundaries are the name of the game, Libra, as Saturn and Mercury urge you to make some, stat. You’ve been lending a helping hand to other people in your life—sometimes with no credit—but this week, especially, you may feel that being in this position is taking away from your own health and happiness. It’s time to figure out what you want, and more importantly, what you need. No is a full sentence. You may worry that you’re being selfish by withdrawing help, but you’re being true to yourself, which is necessary. You’re also feeling the pressure at work this week—it may be time to truly circle the wagons and focus on getting things done on the job before you can even begin helping other people. Remember: You deserve help, too, Libra. 

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 
This is a great week for romance, Scorpio, which is well deserved after the last few weeks have been focused on work and personal issues. This week, you truly have the time and space in your life to focus on your SO (or your dating life.) Midweek, as Venus and Neptune collide, you may feel the best sort of fireworks, when you truly can allow your passion to explode. Wednesday is the best date for a special date, and may be a great day to ask to be set up with someone. No plans? Go out on your own; you may meet a special someone. On Friday, a quarter moon in Gemini could solidify a partnership, and may be a great day to go to the next level in terms of commitment. There is no other shoe that’s going to drop. If things feel good, trust that they are good. 

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
A cosmic focus in your home zone encourages you to chill this week. You may feel like life has slowed down, but remember, it’s not permanent, and everyone needs a break. Don’t try to force any plans or projects, and spending time with friends, family, and yourself is essential for feeling more grounded and anchored. You may feel some tension between close friends and yourself, especially as relates to an opinion or point of view. It may be time to step back and ask yourself why you think it’s so important they agree with you. Sometimes, it’s important to take a stand for your beliefs, but this might be a case of trying too hard to control other people. Let them do them, and you, beautiful Archer, do you. 

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 
Dreamy Neptune may be mixing messages this week, but you also may be part of the problem, allowing gossip to occur within earshot, allowing people to believe things you know aren’t true, and otherwise, stepping back when clarity is needed. Your words matter this week, Caps, and it’s key to be as clear as possible, especially in a work situation. What you think may be a NBD comment may be taken quite differently, so if you’ve made a misstep, addressing it immediately is essential. Don’t expect a work issue to smoothe over by itself, you may need to step up and explain things or play mediator to get things back to normal. The weekend, however, sparkles for you. Lovely Venus pushes you out of your comfort zone, and if you’re single, you may discover that “not your type” can be a very, very good thing. 

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 
Money is on your mind, Aquarius, but it’s never just money, is it? As your financial sector lights up in the sign of Pisces, it’s key to suss out what money means to you, and how your spending nurtures your soul. You may be asked by others for money, and this is a time to be cautious—yes, even if you’re being asked for money by family. You may need to drastically reign in spending habits, which may not be fun, but it’s all toward the purpose of a brighter financial future. This coming weekend, try to discover unguilty pleasures—ones that feel amazing, but don’t cost you in money, guilt, or feelings. 

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 
A trifecta of planets and the sun are in your sign, and life is good, Pisces. Regardless of the weather, you may be feeling sunny day vibes all week long, and also may truly want to share your feelings with the world. These past few weeks, you may have felt a bit like you were hibernating, so this change is welcome. Invite friends over, welcome family, and pack your calendar with social invites. Of course, it’s not all blue skies and picnic vibes. Sobering Saturn encourages you to consider the future—at least a little—and do a standard gut check when inviting new people into your life. With your Pisces intuition on point, if you feel the people you’re inviting in your life are good people, chances are, they are, and could be in your life for a long time. Enjoy! 

Make 2018 your year! Here’s how!

Read last week’s horoscope here! 

Image from Dorian Legret. Find the artist’s work on Society6.

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