Your Weekly Horoscope for December 17 to December 24: Saturn Shifts Into Capricorn, and Passion Gets Intense


On December 17, 2017

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Your Weekly Horoscope for December 17 to December 24: Saturn Shifts Into Capricorn, and Passion Gets Intense

Big changes are afoot this week as serious Saturn shifts into Capricorn on December 19. It’ll remain there until 2020, and this two year cycle has serious impact across all signs. You may find yourself committing to a project or career, “settling down” in some way, or making big, responsible changes. This doesn’t mean there’s no time for fun—just that there’s a balance between responsibility and pleasure. And good news: Mercury turns direct on December 22, just in time for any holiday or end of year travel. The last few days of the year are a great time for getting things done, and you may find any barriers or delays breaking down so you can easily get things done. Here, what to expect (and what to watch out for) between December 17 and December 24. 

Want a sneak peek into 2018? Find out what to expect right now with your 2018 premium horoscope! 

Aries Weekly Horoscope 
It’s an ambitious phase for you, Aries, and things are going to be going full speed ahead in 2020. Consider this week your planning period. It’s time to focus on what you want, both personally and professionally. And it’s also key to include others in your planning. Remember, if you’re in a serious partnership, it’s not only all about you. Including others in your goals and dreams is essential to your overall success. As lovely Venus shifts into your sign on December 24, you’ve got loads of charm on your sign. Time to make a romantic move. This week could be a red-letter one in love. 

Taurus Weekly Horoscope  
You’ve played it safe when it comes to travel, but no more, Bulls. An opportunity comes up that you can’t say no to, and you may find yourself facing some last-minute travel. Go for it! Lose the packing lists, throw all your stuff in a bag, and live on the edge! As Saturn edges into Capricorn, you’re ready for a big, bold move. Stop worrying about what other people think. And while that cost/benefit analysis list is nice, beware of using it too much as a crutch. Sometimes, the right move may not look right on paper, but feels right in your gut. 

Gemini Weekly Horoscope    
It’s all about the money, Gemini. You’ve had intense focus (and success) in getting your fitness strategy on track, and now, serious Saturn wants you to apply that same diligence to your finances. You’ve let some things slip, and while it’s no big deal, this is the best time to incorporate some longterm strategies to ensure financial success, now and in the future. It’s time to think about investments and strategies to make your money work for you. If you have a side hustle, use any downtime during the holidays to expand on it, with the hope of getting it fully up and running by 2018.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
As the focus shifts to your partnership sector this week, interactions could become more frequent. You may find yourself needing to negotiate with others concerning ideas or key opportunities. With three planets moving into Capricorn and this same sector—Saturn, the sun, and flirtatious Venu— your relationships may take on a more detached focus, and you may become very aware of your loyalties. This is also the time to work at making one partnership more fun and exciting.

Leo Weekly Horoscope
Though you’re very exuberant and charismatic, you might be eager to work behind the scenes to get everything organized for the holidays. There’s much to do, and you’ll be at the center of the action. This focus deepens as Saturn moves into Capricorn and your zone of work, health, and lifestyle this week, along with the sun and luscious Venus. You might be questioning your job, particularly if it isn’t very satisfying. It could be time to find work that aligns with your life’s purpose.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 
You may have things to do at work, but in essence you’ve already decided to chill and enjoy the pleasures of the coming holidays. A fresh focus on your sector of relaxation and creativity suggests that you may be busy entertaining children, making gifts, and having a ball. Romance could be high on your agenda, too, if you’re solo. Saturn enters this sector on December 19, moving from your home sector to your recreational zone, which might come as something of a relief.

Libra Weekly Horoscope 
It’s to your action stations this week, as the focus on your family sector suggests you’ll be busy organizing, entertaining, and making everything as perfect as possible for your guests. With Mars in your money zone, don’t forget to pamper yourself with a spa session or evening out with friends. Saturn makes a break this week, moving into your domestic zone. Over the coming months, this could coincide with structural projects in your home or greater responsibilities in this area.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 
You’ll be busy keeping in touch, socializing, and enjoying holiday get-togethers, giving you a chance to reconnect with friends old and new. This week could see the focus shift dramatically, putting the emphasis on interactions and setting purposeful goals that involve networking. However, the biggest news may be that Saturn leaves your money sector and enters this zone. Some of the financial pressure that has been apparent may now begin to ease, which is all to the good.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 
There are a number of shifts taking place this week as three planets enter Capricorn and your sector of personal finances and values. Perhaps the most important is sobering Saturn. Over the next couple of years or so, you’ll become more serious about making money and using your resources wisely. You could also decide to pare back on unnecessary expenses. However, with the sun and lovely Venus also moving in, this can be an excellent time to look for some last-minute bargains.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 
It’s a big week! Saturn moves into your sign on Tuesday, which means you’ll take your goals and plans more seriously from here on out. And it’s likely you’ll achieve a lot more in the process. But there are also two more planets entering this sector, the sun and luscious Venus. Over the coming week, you may find yourself at the center of any holiday activities, organizing everything and making sure everyone is happy. And your social life continues to sparkle in a wonderful way.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 
You’re fired up and raring to go as Mars encourages you to go full throttle regarding your goals and ambitions. But this may conflict with subtler promptings enticing you to relax. Finding a balance is the ideal way to handle this. The movement of three planets into your spiritual sector suggests that it’s time to relax and refuel. Saturn enters this zone on Tuesday, ushering in a long period of spiritual seeking and meditation. Certain aspects of your life may slowly draw to a close. 

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 
Things sparkle for you socially, with a very exciting week ahead. You’ll be in your element enjoying parties, holiday kisses, and time spent with good friends. Saturn leaves your career sector for your social zone. The pressure is off, bringing with it a sense of relief. You’ll be able to look back over the past year or so with pride at all you’ve achieved. With the sun and Venus also moving into this same sector, it’s time to enjoy the party.

Make 2018 your year! Here’s how!

Read your December horoscope here!

Image from Dorian Legret. Find his work on Society6.

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