Your Weekend Lovescope for March 2 to March 4: Let Go and Let Love In

The Virgo full moon swung in late Thursday night, and its energy sets the stage for this entire weekend. This moon inspires you to change the way you think about things in order to let love in. Loosen your grip on material obsessions, stop beating yourself up, and remember the unconditional love that ties all of us together. Mercury, Venus, and Chiron line up on top of each other in Pisces, making this weekend all about healing your head and your heart. This is probably not the time for casual sex or picking fights – though you may be inclined toward both! You’ll have lots of fiery energy moving through you. Know that you can use this to heal or you can use it to act out and avoid the deeper work. The choice as always is up to you. But if you’re ready to take advantage of this healing time, then turn inward. Kiss bae goodbye (just for a moment) and treat yourself to some solo reflecting, journaling, and general self care.
Want a sneak peek into 2018? Find out what to expect right now with your 2018 premium horoscope!
Aries Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Sunday’s Libra moon sextiles Mars. Sexual fulfillment comes when you surround yourself by beauty and embrace partnership. If you’ve been avoiding commitment, it’s time to give it a try.
This Weekend’s Mystery: The Virgo moon makes you irritable af. It feels like you can’t get anything right. Resist the urge to beat yourself up, and instead, reflect on your patterns. How do you manifest your own misery?
This Weekend’s Mantra: I embrace change with an open heart.
Passion Prediction:
Taurus Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Venus conjuncts Mercury. Your and your head are on the same page, and that page reads “love is everywhere!” All you have to do is put yourself out there to receive it.
This Weekend’s Mystery: But this may be hard. The moon makes you moodier than usual. Don’t let that hold you back! Your fear’s telling you that the kind of partnership you fantasize about doesn’t exist, but this is BS! Believe, baby. Believe.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I believe in love.
Passion Prediction:
Gemini Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Pluto sends awesome changes your way, but you have to stay open to them. Allow your thoughts to reconfigure. Don’t cling too tightly to anything, and in time, your love goals will be met!
This Weekend’s Mystery: Ugh, Mars! Mars is not your friend right now. Sexual frustration is undeniable. Irritability is likely. You’ll block the flow of love the more you focus on what love isn’t giving you right now. Let love be what it is. Have patience.
This Weekend’s Mantra: It will all make sense in time.
Passion Prediction:
Cancer Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: The full moon wakes you up. Illusions fall away, and your thoughts on love clarify. Not going to lie, this may not feel good, but it will do good, so follow the truth where it leads.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Venus opposes the moon, and loves leaves you uneasy. Communication is on point. Your heart is open. You just don’t like where you are. Don’t get too caught up in the details. You can’t think your way through this.
This Weekend’s Mantra: True love is on the other side of this.
Passion Prediction:
Leo Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Sunday’s Libra moon brings peace and harmony to your relationships and helps you focus on the future. What do you want in a partner? Not a lover. Not a fling. A partner. What does that mean to you? Reflect on these questions.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Neptune twists reality and shifts your understanding of yourself. This can lead to greater spiritual understanding, but it can also lead to total self delusion. So stay mindful. Slow down, and double check your conclusions.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I see through my heart’s desire.
Passion Prediction:
Virgo Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: The Virgo full moon shakes your world! It opens your understanding of what’s possible in love and in the world in general. You are open to possibilities and ready to welcome amazing things beyond your wildest dreams!
This Weekend’s Mystery: This is not the weekend for doing things! Mars disrupts your flow. Let yourself just chill and feel and process, and enjoy how quiet and loving your inner monologue has become.
This Weekend’s Mantra: Life is so much more than all this stuff.
Passion Prediction:
Libra Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Venus, Mercury, and Chiron ensure a major mind and heart shift! Whatever has been holding you back from love is released! This obstacle may feel big or small, but either way, you’re leaping over it. This moment is life changing.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Pluto squares the Libra moon. Your perspective on love and partnership changes, but understanding these changes and processing them isn’t totally easy. Expect growing pains and take extra special care of yourself.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I will have the love of my dreams.
Passion Prediction:
Scorpio Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Healing, healing, healing. It’s a major theme of the weekend, and for you, it’s especially joyful! You’re conquering your fears and letting love and money flow freely toward you. Drop your worries and open your hands—palms up—to receive.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mars can make you irritable. Don’t give in to any wanderlust. Acknowledge it. Maybe book a trip for the future that you can look forward to, but right now, stay where you are and let good things find you.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I will receive everything I desire.
Passion Prediction:
Sagittarius Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Sunday’s Libra moon sextiles Mars! Deeper emotional connections can be forged through sex and travel. Leave the day open for exploring!
This Weekend’s Mystery: Jupiter is healing us all this weekend, and this is good! But it’s digging up past pain. You remember painful moments, but they feel different now. How do they feel? What’s changed? Is it you? Take time to reflect and journal.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I am renewed. I am ready for what’s next.
Passion Prediction:
Capricorn Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Neptune works with Saturn, and life becomes more magical! You witness greater forces at play – forces bigger than tradition and money and facts and yourself. You see that love is at the root of it all.
This Weekend’s Mystery: The Libra moon creates an obstacle in your relationship. This may be something as big as being unhappily single or being with the wrong person and as small as two lovers having busy schedules that keep them apart. What changes need to be made to overcome this obstacle? Figure it out, and make it happen.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I get to choose how I want my love life to look.
Passion Prediction:
Aquarius Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: The Libra moon creates sparks in any relationship. You feel free and independent by your partner’s side. Go exploring together to maximize this energy!
This Weekend’s Mystery: Pisces helps you drop your defenses and address old pain. Let yourself fall apart. Let yourself cry. Sometimes it’s good to feel bad.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I forgive myself.
Passion Prediction:
Pisces Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Venus, Mercury, and Chiron conjunct in Pisces. Your voice becomes deeply healing. Take time to address your own needs. Then, go out into the world. People are ready to receive your love!
This Weekend’s Mystery: Neptune conjuncts the sun. Your intuition is heightened, but it’s also easy to get lost in the clouds. Don’t forget that you’re communicating with people on Earth, so speak in a way that they’ll understand.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I can heal my own life.
Passion Prediction:
Virginia teaches you how to harness your intuitive powers, choose your most purposeful work, create nourishing boundaries, and attract your ideal partner. She utilizes tools and techniques acquired over years of working with energy, science, astrology, tarot, yoga, meditation, and more! She helps you remember just how free and powerful you really are. Are you ready for you most magical, meaningful life? Connect with Virginia now and discover more!
Read last week’s love horoscope here!
Read your March love horoscope here!
Manifest love in the new year with your exclusive 2018 horoscope.
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