Your Weekend Love Horoscope for October 20 to 22: It’s Your Move. So What Are You Waiting For?

By Virginia Mason

On October 20, 2017

In Aspect, Love, Sex

Your Weekend Love Horoscope for October 20 to 22: It’s Your Move. So What Are You Waiting For?

Thursday’s Libra new moon pulled your life into focus, and this weekend’s Scorpio moon is here to help you process your newfound clarity. It’s calling your attention to the big picture truth. And the truth is that all of your fears and worries are just wasting your time. You are okay. Even if you’re facing the hardest stuff in the world, you are okay. That’s the lesson right now for all of us. We are a part of something bigger that we largely don’t understand, but through love, we can feel just how connected we truly are. With this unconditional, expansive love in your heart, the moon moves into Sagittarius on Sunday, heating things up in the bedroom and helping you express this love sexually.

Aries Weekend Love Horoscope
You’re barely getting by on Friday and Saturday. The universe is making you dig through painful truths, but there’s a silver lining to all of this. You’ll be starting to see it by Sunday as Mars moves into Libra and the moon moves into Sagittarius. Libra is all about stability and partnership. Sagittarius is about adventure and the unknown. By combining these energies, you find your ideal partnership situation. A relationship that is stable and committed while also wild and adventurous. You want someone who’s constantly surprising you and who can handle your fiery energy, and with Mars in Libra, you may just find that person between now and December 9th.

Love Lesson: Love stays interesting when you realize that the person you’re with is never truly the same person from one day to the next.

Passion Prediction:
Taurus Weekend Love Horoscope
Venus inconjuncts Neptune, and you’re struggling to see the truth right now. You seek a stable, loving, committed relationship. You may even have one – or think you have one. But you’re wearing blinders, and there’s something you’re missing. It’s right there. You can almost see it. What’s keeping you from staring straight at it and being honest with yourself? What are you afraid of? There’s a problem in your love life. It might be as big as being with the wrong person, but it may also be subtler than that. Pay special attention to your expectations and assumptions right now, and be careful not to assume anything. Really work this weekend to just let things be as they truly are.

Love Lesson: Keep an open mind about who will make the best partner for you.

Passion Prediction:
Gemini Weekend Love Horoscope
Let’s be honest, you’re a bit all over the place. Staying focused is not your strong suit. Emotionally, this translates into some major moodiness. You’re high one minute. You’re low the next. You’re two sides of a coin, and with Mercury in Scorpio, this aspect of you is intensified. You’re feeling the highs and lows like you always do, but right now, the highs are even higher, and the lows are even lower. This isn’t bad! This is real life. You’re fully experiencing what it means to be a person, making you even more empathetic than usual. People may sense this and turn to you for support. Beware spreading yourself too thin, and make sure you’re feeling nourished inside before giving to others. This goes for your lovers, too! Be your loving, lovely self, but don’t prioritize their wellbeing over your own and don’t take your mood swings out on them.

Love Lesson: Learn to feel your feelings without letting them consume you.

Passion Prediction:
Cancer Weekend Love Horoscope
With the moon in Scorpio, your intuition and sensual powers are heightened. Friday and Saturday are ideal times to make love, have a deep conversation, and connect with nature. Trust your gut, especially right now. Your psychic window is being widened. Do you have any specific questions about your love life? Ask the universe – out loud or in your head. Then pay attention. Notice the signs and follow where they lead. The Libra new moon gave you a fresh start, and this weekend’s Scorpio and Sagittarius moons are cracking you out of your shell to try something new. Now is the time for wild, sexy, soulful adventure. See how it feels.

Love Lesson: Open yourself to the world. Receive what it has to give you.

Passion Prediction:
Leo Weekend Love Horoscope
The sun enters Scorpio on Monday, and you can feel the transition. Libra has had you knee deep in partnership woes. You’ve been working through a lot of hurts to understand how you got where you are. You’re not quite fully through it, but you will be…soon. Scorpio eases your heartbreak and makes you feel powerful and sexy. So if you need one last weekend on the couch with a pint of ice cream – it’s okay. But love is right around the corner. If you can get out and start looking for it, you may find it now. These are your last few days with your ruling planet hanging out in the sign of marriage, and to top it off, Venus and Mars are now in the same sign. Translation: lots of romance happening all around you, so go enjoy it!

Love Lesson: Respect the nuanced chemistry between partners.

Passion Prediction:
Virgo Weekend Love Horoscope
Mercury’s in Scorpio and so is the moon. Sexual energy is flooding your body…and your mind. It’s too intense and wonderful to ignore, so make the most of it. If you’re partnered, find time for romance. I’m imagining a bubble bath with red rose petals, champagne, and dark chocolate. I know it sounds cliché, but it also sounds awesome, yes? And heck, if you’re single, I recommend the same thing. Luxuriate in physical pleasures. Indulge your erotic self. There’s so much to uncover that you’ve yet to experience. Do something new with yourself or someone else. Mix it up. Have fun. Play. You’re bound to feel the fireworks moving throughout your entire being.

Love Lesson: There’s often some wisdom in love clichés.

Passion Prediction:
Libra Weekend Love Horoscope
Venus moved into Libra last week, and this week, Mars moves in. That means the ruling planets of love and sex are both in your sign, so get ready. With the sun in Libra, the focus was more on you, but now, it’s on romance. If you took this last month to get clear about who you are and what you want, then you’re now ready to invest in love. If you aren’t partnered, take a good look at why. I know you have so many reasonable explanations for why you haven’t found love, but make sure you aren’t using your reason to hide from your feelings. If you want big partnership love, put yourself out there. Prioritize it. Don’t hide in your work. Get real about what you want, and don’t be afraid to ask the universe for it.

Love Lesson: Ask for what you want.

Passion Prediction:
Scorpio Weekend Love Horoscope
The moon’s in Scorpio. Mercury’s in Scorpio. Jupiter’s in Scorpio, and on Monday, the sun will also officially be in Scorpio. Happy early birthday! Your sultry intensity is what’s up. It’s oozing through the air and entering the hearts and minds of everyone. You live in the deep dark corners of the unknown. Corners most people don’t dare to explore, but right now, they have no choice but to venture where you like to go. You’re shining in the darkness, and people are moths to your flame. It’s an ideal time to express yourself. People are ready to hear what you have to say. Use your magnetism for good. Spread love. Make love. Do no harm. Help them understand that the world is as connected and mysterious and beautiful as you are.

Love Lesson: Your confidence and mystery is sexy. There’s no one else quite like you.

Passion Prediction:
Sagittarius Weekend Love Horoscope
Your attitude toward sex feels different these days, and you don’t quite understand it. You want to try new things, but you’re afraid. It’s not just because new things are scary. Your fear runs deeper than that. With Mars opposing Chiron and Jupiter opposing Uranus, your fear is rooted in your earliest painful memories. What was it that first made you feel like you it wasn’t okay to be yourself? Even if your mind can’t remember clearly, your body does. Your energy does. Get yourself some sexual healing by working through this with a loving partner or on your own. Increase your sexual pleasure by expressing your authentic sexual self. Sunday is especially ideal for this as the moon moves into Sagittarius.

Love Lesson: A broken heart permeates your body, mind, and soul.

Passion Prediction:
Capricorn Weekend Love Horoscope
As Venus moves deeper through Libra, your opinion on marriage is shifting. Pluto is transforming your love life by healing your heart. You’re putting the past behind you. You’re ready to move forward and take a big leap of faith. Or at least you will be soon. Those sexual anxieties are still plaguing you. I don’t know what happened to make you think that sex is something other than a beautiful, pleasurable expression of souls connecting through bodies. But you deserve a loving partnership where you can open yourself up to the fullest sexual pleasure without fear. Find someone who makes your heart race because you’re excited—not because you’re scared. Find someone you trust. And hold onto them.

Love Lesson: Approach each moment like it has something new to teach you.

Passion Prediction:
Aquarius Weekend Love Horoscope
You’re struggling to get comfortable amidst all this Scorpio energy. Everyone has so many feelings right now, and you kind of just want to be alone to do your thing and not worry about it. Sure, lustful sexuality and intense emotion are not your modus operandi, but just because something is different than you doesn’t mean it has to make you uncomfortable. So what is it about this time of year? Everyone seems to be hypersexual, yet you’re feeling sexually repressed. Beware your tendency to resist things simply because other people are doing them. Your sexual withdrawal may be hard on your lover – who isn’t as inclined to stop doing things just because other people start. Relax, reign in your rebel, and have some fun!

Love Lesson: Move forward with grit.

Passion Prediction:
Pisces Weekend Love Horoscope
Yes! A bunch of planets are clustered in Scorpio and sending Neptune (aka Pisces) vibes out into the world. People are finally speaking your language. You don’t have to work so hard to meet your lover where they are. They’re coming your way instead. Love and sex may still not be perfect, but it’s getting better. And all of the Scorpio and Neptune energy is masking any imperfections—at least for the weekend. After the tough time you’ve been having, just let yourself enjoy this! Go on a lovers walk. Hold hands. Sip delicious drinks. But keep in mind that you could get so high on life this weekend that there’s no other direction to go but down. If that feeling hits, just take it easy. Take a nap. It’ll all be okay.

Love Lesson: You see things differently. You communicate differently. Finding someone who understands you is key.

Passion Prediction:

Virginia is a Brooklyn-based Reiki Master and psychic healer dedicated to expanding people’s understanding of what’s possible. She offers private readings, coaching, healing, and more through her company, Fleeting Connections.

Read last week’s love horoscope here!

Read your October love horoscope!

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