Your Weekend Love Horoscope for June 9–11, 2017

The full moon amplifies romantic intrigue. And big-hearted Jupiter, retrograde since February, goes direct. What this means: Get ready to get lucky in love. Attached? Expect shiver-up-your-spine surprises you haven’t felt since you started dating. Single? Even a coffee run presents you with plenty of crush material. With so much intrigue, it’s easy to get swept off your feet, but keep checking in with your heart—it will steer you in the right direction.
Aries Weekend Love Horoscope
Say yes to whatever invites cross your path, and stay up late. If you’ve been trying to set up a first date, Friday’s the evening: Pick a place where the lights are low and the music is loud; the vibe will set you up for a charged connection. You’re toying with staying home Saturday, but make the effort to head out—it’s worth it. On Sunday, it’s Netflix and takeout with your favorite human—whether that’s a romantic partner, a BFF or your cat (of course she counts!). Remember, recharging is not just for soulless devices.
Taurus Weekend Love Horoscope
Low-key plays off in a big way on Friday evening. Hanging out at home is all you need to reconnect if you’re attached. Single? Striking up a conversation in line, wherever you’re waiting, will pay off. Saturday is all about chivalry: Show your appreciation when a cute stranger opens the door for you, or let your partner take the lead in planning a vacation. Seeing someone new? Let him or her pick a movie to watch—the choice will be telling. Sunday is all about a makeover: Add some new pics to your dating profile or play around with a different look.
Gemini Weekend Love Horoscope
You’ve been hibernating a bit, and it’s affected your outlook. On Friday night, find a happy hour, with or without a date. Mingling with a bunch of people helps crank up your confidence. Saturday is all about organizing: Coordinate your Google calendars if you’re coupled up. Single? Start making summer travel plans—the more organized you are now, the more you can go with the flow later. On Sunday, your mind keeps returning to a conversation from the weekend. Relax and let it go. A sweat session (Why not in bed?) can help.
Cancer Weekend Love Horoscope
You’ve been low-key this past month, but if you want to crank up the romance, Crabs, it’s time to make plans. Make a rez at a low-lit wine bar, or actually commit to making plans with your crush—no more “maybe I’ll see you….” On Saturday, reconnect with an old friend over coffee or tea—it may be exactly what you need to see your love life in a whole new light. On Sunday, you’re torn between family and romance. Follow your heart, and you won’t go wrong.
Leo Weekend Love Horoscope
The spotlight is on you Friday evening, and you’re in your element, Lions. But make sure to take a look out in the crowd as you enter the room—if you’re single, you just may make eye contact with someone who can keep up with you. On Saturday, answer that unknown number and take a look in your Facebook “other” folder—the stars are compelling someone from your past to try to reconnect. On Sunday, you may be privy to some juicy gossip. Listen, don’t talk—you’ll end up learning a lot about someone.
Virgo Weekend Love Horoscope
Don’t be afraid to head somewhere solo, Virgo. Everyone will be wondering who you are; and you’ll be smiling inside, knowing you’ve got your own back. On Saturday, strike up a conversation with that intense guy in Spin class—even if you’re attached, some low-key flirting is always fun, and makes you absolutely irresistible to your SO. On Sunday, tensions rise. Stay calm and head out for a hike or long walk—yes, solo. Taking time for yourself is so key this weekend, no matter how hard it is to tear yourself away from all the feels your relationship provides.
Libra Weekend Love Horoscope
Single? It’s all about finding your wingman (or woman) on Friday night. Head to a new spot with your best friend. By the end of the evening, you’ll both have met a summer fling prospect—or even better. On Saturday, wander around the neighborhood. You may strike up a strange-but-sweet conversation with a charismatic neighbor. If you’re taken, meeting potential BBQ buddies can anchor your connection to your partner. On Sunday, hit a yoga class or meditation class solo—tuning into yourself can help you tune out any negative vibes you’re getting from people around you.
Scorpio Weekend Love Horoscope
An innocent-seeming email exchange gets super-steamy on Friday evening. Take it off work email and switch to Snapchat, stat. While you tend to closely guard your weekends as time for just you, or just you and your partner, switch things up by connecting with a few acquaintances for an informal picnic. You may overhear someone talking about your relationship or approach to dating over the weekend—while the words may hurt, they may have some truth to them. A journal session Sunday can help you sort out next steps.
Sagittarius Weekend Love Horoscope
A last-minute invite sounds seriously appealing on Friday—say yes, even if your partner wants to stay in. Doing things solo will make the reunion (and subsequent between-the-sheets session) explosive. On Saturday, lock down a date. Whether it’s with a new Tinder match or a friend match, flirting, even platonically, will seriously elevate your confidence. On Sunday, skip your AM plans and give yourself a complete spa session in the bathroom—plus-one in the shower optional.
Capricorn Weekend Love Horoscope
Whether it’s your partner or a new love potential, your phone is blowing up with texts—and it’s kind of a turn-off. Instead of responding, turn on Do Not Disturb and connect with some friends IRL. By Saturday, the stage-five clinginess will wear off. Saturday evening, get dressed up, even if your only plans are couch and Netflix. Try to avoid social media again on Sunday—it’ll only add to the swirling confusion you’ve been feeling this week. Instead, use that extra time to create a vision board about what you really want in love.
Aquarius Weekend Love Horoscope
You’re feeling bad this weekend—and it’s delicious. Put a temporary tattoo you-know-where, flirt with the bartender with tattoo sleeves…. Just don’t check the Instagram of the person you know is no good for you. There’s feeling bad, and then there’s just bad decision making. Saturday provides a natural reset. Head to an outdoor concert, go on a bike ride, or take a breathing workshop; any G-rated activity will help balance you. Bonus: If you’re single, you may meet someone who will deepen your new connection with yourself. Stop overanalyzing on Sunday—everything will resolve itself. Instead, hit the multiplex for an action movie—PDA optional.
Pisces Weekend Love Horoscope
You’re exhausted at the end of the week. As a sentimental Pisces, you might find yourself tempted to say yes to a date just because you don’t want to let that person down, but stay true to your heart. Same if you’re attached: Your partner will understand if she or he has to explore the evening solo. On Saturday, stick with the people you love—a trusted group reminds you of all your amazing traits, which always feels good. You’re feeling super-sensitive on Sunday—nothing that chips, salsa, and a little sunshine won’t cure. Don’t overthink things. When it comes to this weekend, it’s all about finding the people who nurture you.
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