Your Weekend Love Horoscope for February 9 to 11: Meow! It's a Weekend for Love

By Virginia Mason

On February 9, 2018

In Aspect, Date, Sex

Your Weekend Love Horoscope for February 9 to 11: Meow! It's a Weekend for Love

This weekend is made for adventure and grand revelations. A Sagittarius moon gets our minds and bodies moving. Engage in recreation that stimulates both. This could be anything from skiing to hiking to sex. The point is find the thing that stimulates you. If you’re single, this may help you meet a like-minded lover, and if you already have one of those, then by all means, bring them with you! The energy around this moon is both freeing and healing, so there’s loads of fun to be had. Then on Sunday, the moon moves into Capricorn, conjuncting Saturn and sextiling Neptune. You’re likely to receive new information now. Secrets may be revealed, but don’t let that scare you. Whatever is shared is likely to be help heal how you give and receive love. And to add even more healing energy to the weekend, Venus moves into Pisces on Saturday, delivering a large dose of unconditional love to you, me, and everyone else. This is all exactly what we need to prepare us for next week’s new moon solar eclipse!

Want a sneak peek into 2018? Find out what to expect right now with your 2018 premium horoscope! 

Aries Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: The moon, Mars, and Uranus team up to give you one hell of a weekend. Hit the road and travel somewhere if you can – even if it’s just going to a different neighborhood in your same old city.
This Weekend’s Mystery: All of this excitement may be your way of resisting Pluto’s desire to change things in your life. Put your phone away and take a moment to be still. Invite any partner to join you as you sit back, relax, and listen to the world. Perhaps from the top of a mountain.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I remain calm even when moving quickly.

Passion Prediction:                                 
Taurus Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Your ruler Venus moves into Pisces, and you’re overflowing with love and gratitude. Love becomes less strained. Write a letter to that ex you never forgave and throw it in a river. Let the water carry it away.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mars stresses you out. You just want to chill with your lover, but a restless energy makes you feel like you should be out doing things. FOMO is real. You feel like there’s not enough time for you to do you. Screw it. Do you anyway.
This Weekend’s Mantra: All life asks is that I live it. 

Passion Prediction:                             
Gemini Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Mercury has you thinking fast on your feet. You won’t need a roadmap to get where you’re going. You’ll be able to figure it out along the way. Literally. Let yourself wander aimlessly. You may be amazed where you arrive in the end.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Jupiter in Scorpio makes it harder to experience your bliss, but it’s just because you aren’t focused on the right stuff. Turn your attention to spiritual pursuits and open yourself to sexual possibility.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I am a magical, sexy being. 

Passion Prediction:                      
Cancer Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: The moon sextiles Venus in Pisces. You’re feeling unconditionally loving, especially toward yourself, and you’ll need this as you learn something new this weekend. Show yourself a lot of love and take care not to expect too much from your person.
This Weekend’s Mystery: The moon goes void of course for almost all of Saturday, and your energy drops. If you’re feeling out of sorts, this is why. Now is a time for quiet contemplation.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I have my own back. 

Passion Prediction:      
Leo Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: The sun sextiles Uranus. Don’t get to wrapped up in your love life. Strike out on your own and do something for you and you alone.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mercury inches closer toward the sun, and it’s easy to get caught up in your thoughts. Don’t beat yourself up for overthinking. Just let your thoughts flow through naturally.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I am the gatekeeper of all love in my life. 

Passion Prediction:               
Virgo Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: The moon and Mars bring excitement. Put your incredible planning skills to use and plan a trip with the person you most want to share it with!
This Weekend’s Mystery: You can’t think your way to creativity. Jupiter encourages spiritual exploration. This is what you really need to get the answers you seek. Don’t let your mind fool you.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I am in love with life. 

Passion Prediction:  
Libra Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Venus in Pisces turns your attention away from work and onto romance. How can you increase love in your life? The first step: show up for it! Make sure you’re truly available.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mars keeps you on the road. You’re thinking about travel and where to go next. But you can’t grow commitment while on the move. Some stillness is required now.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I’m ready to receive true love. 

Passion Prediction:  
Scorpio Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: The moon conjuncts Mars, and your passions are stirred! Your lust can lead to some really hot sex, but make sure to also treat your partner with compassion in case they aren’t feeling as feisty as you!
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mars squares Neptune and Venus. You may experience some doubts and paranoia right now. Be mindful of jealous outbursts. They never end well for you.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I trust that I am loved. 

Passion Prediction:         
Sagittarius Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Oh hey, it’s time to play. It’s your kind of weekend, so have fun! The moon and Mars are in your court, and they want you to do you. Trust your instincts.
This Weekend’s Mystery: But beware allowing your emotions to get the best of you. You’re prone to quick mood swings and throwing tantrums. Slow down and deal with any anger constructively.
This Weekend’s Mantra: Life is a daring adventure, and I’m writing the script. 

Passion Prediction:      
Capricorn Weekend Love Horoscope 
This Weekend’s Magic: Saturn sends you a big, powerful lesson, and you were built to handle this. Saturn makes most people want to crawl under the covers, but not you. You take on any challenges coming your way with the utmost grit and confidence!
This Weekend’s Mystery: Pluto squares Uranus. Your freedom is transforming. What does freedom mean to you? Especially if you have a partner. How does love affect your independence?
This Weekend’s Mantra: I am in control of my choices. 

Passion Prediction:  
Aquarius Weekend Love Horoscope 
This Weekend’s Magic: Mercury and the sun bring you great emotional nourishment. You enjoy any activity that stimulates your intellect. Now is a great time to challenge yourself to learn something new!
This Weekend’s Mystery: Venus leaves your sign, and your attention shifts away from romance. And right now, romance is satisfying you, so it’s time to focus on other things. What’s next?
This Weekend’s Mantra: I am free in love. 

Passion Prediction:        
Pisces  Weekend Love Horoscope 
This Weekend’s Magic: Venus moves into Pisces! Love will be radiating at your frequency for the next month, and you’re likely to feel the shift this weekend as romance becomes less mental and more soulful.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mars and the moon are focused on doing, not feeling. All this fire will try to distract you from feeling, so give yourself some time to embrace the powerful Venus shift. Slow down on Saturday.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I am unconditionally loving. 

Passion Prediction: 

Virginia teaches you how to harness your intuitive powers, choose your most purposeful work, create nourishing boundaries, and attract your ideal partner. She utilizes tools and techniques acquired over years of working with energy, science, astrology, tarot, yoga, meditation, and more! She helps you remember just how free and powerful you really are. Are you ready for you most magical, meaningful life? Connect with Virginia now and discover more!

Read last week’s love horoscope here!

Read your February love horoscope here! 

Manifest love in the new year with your exclusive 2018 horoscope. 

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