Your Sign's Biggest Weakness (and How to Fix It!)


On March 13, 2020

In Compatibility, Sign, Spirit

Your Sign's Biggest Weakness (and How to Fix It!)

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You already know your sign’s strengths. But along with the good can come some annoying, tricky, and troubling habits and behaviors. Here, your sign’s number one weakness, and how to fix it (if you wanna—no judgment).


Aries’ Biggest Vice: One-click shopping. No sooner than you hear about something on TV or from a friend, it’s in your cart and at your door. The result: You have way too much stuff! 

How to Fix It: Hold back. You know that old put your credit card in water in the freezer trick? Try it. We know, we know, your card info is saved on your favorite websites and it takes two seconds to defrost the ice under hot water, but the act will remind you: Taking your time can pay off.

Taurus’ Biggest Vice: Stubbornness. Even when everyone, including Google,  proves you wrong, you’ll hold onto your version of the “truth.” 

How to Fix It: Say it with us: I hear you. You don’t need to agree, but some arguments (like chocolate versus vanilla ice cream) will just never be solved. Play the peacemaker and try to stop proving everyone else wrong for once! 

Gemini’s Biggest Vice: One more round, please! Life of the party Geminis love to keep the party going into the wee hours … which seems like an awesome idea until tomorrow morning’s alarm sounds. 

How to Fix It:  Switch to selzter for a round or two. You’ll be surprised at how you can still be the life of the party—even when you’re not indulging.

Cancer’s Biggest Vice: Who you, a hermit? Cozy comforters, oversize sweaters, and throw pillows galore—Cancers are all about the Nordic art of hygge, and can often be found snuggling deep under the overs even on a steamy weekend night in July.

How to Fix It: Try sleeping al fresco—or at least with the windows open. Cancers are all about cuddling into themselves, but connecting to the outside world—including the very physical feeling of sensing the wind on your skin—can only make you feel more in tune with the larger world around you. And nothing is cozier than that. 

Leo’s Biggest Vice: Labels? Yes, please. Luxury-loving Lions love the thrill of the hunt, a little too much. They can’t resist the newest, the latest, and the most luxe—and love flaunting their finds.

How to Fix It: Try before you buy. Enjoy trying things on at your favorite shops, but don’t pull out the plastic yet. Instead, make eBay and TheRealReal your friends—so you can buy the looks you love for a lot less money.

Virgo’s Biggest Vice: Monotony. Virgo, let’s talk about that white t-shirt collection, or the line of denim shirts in your closet. When you love a look, you buy it in bulk.

How to Fix It: Try a trend! A pair of red power heels from Badgley Mischka, a silver metallic sweater from Catherine Malandrino, or a buffalo plaid boyfriend shirt will all look great with the basics you’ve already (over)stocked. 

Libra’s Biggest Vice: The eyes are a window to your soul, and you’re obsessed with making sure your peepers are perfect. You are likely to own more tweezers than shoes, and you get anxious if you don’t have a spare pair in your bag; plus, you’ve never met a mascara you didn’t like.

How to Fix It: Go natural! Trying a skincare regimen like Glossier’s Phase 1 isn’t exactly the same as going makeup-free, but your peepers will finally get a chance to show their true colors—and you won’t believe how many compliments you’ll get!

Scorpio’s Biggest Vice: Moody purples, intense reds—you’ve never met a deep, dark shade you didn’t like, which sometimes makes your space feel a little claustrophobic. 

How to Fix It: A Tocca candle, in a breezy, beachy scent, gives you that candlelit look you love—and offsets the moodiness of your interior decor. 

Sagittarius’ Biggest Vice: Archers, it’s in the bag, literally. Adventurous Sags are always planning getaways, and purchasing different purses, backpacks, overnight cases, and suitcases to ensure they can carry all their stuff. The only issue? You never know where you’ve put anything! 

How to Fix It: Go oversize: A Rebecca Minkoff satchel in a statement color from will hold everything, so you don’t need to divvy up (and misplace) your belongings. 

Capricorn’s Biggest Vice: Sale? Better stock up. Practical Caps often buy in bulk, and always have plenty of toothpaste, cereal, paper goods, and dry goods on hand. But when was the last time you actually bought something fun? We thought so.

How to Fix It: Go to a store you love, touch everything, and buy one thing at full price—for yourself. We promise that it won’t lead to a shopping habit, but will help you learn how to treat yourself when the time is right. 

Aquarius’ Biggest Vice: Aquarians can be flaky, all about doing whatever suits their needs at that moment. And planning more than a few days ahead? No way!

How to Fix It: Commit to a calendar. Whether it’s on paper or your iCal, writing your plans down will subconsciously help you keep the date. Also: No more maybes. When you get an invite, say yes or no. 

Pisces’ Biggest Vice: Sensitive and empathetic, you sometimes get a thrill from other people’s drama—even when it drives you nuts. You’re so affected by moods that sometimes you play God, pitting people against each other inadvertently as you probe into their issues. 

How to Fix It: Hello, Netflix. Getting up to date on an emotionally meaty drama like The Americans satisfies your need for drama without you getting too invested. 

Feature illustration by Dorian Legret.

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Want to use the stars to dive even deeper into what makes you tick? Try these stories next: 
How Every Sign Can Feel Better, Right Now (Crystals Optional)
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