Your Partner's Zodiac Sign Holds Some Sexy Secrets. Here, What You Need to Know


On April 23, 2018

In Foreplay, Love, Sex

Your Partner's Zodiac Sign Holds Some Sexy Secrets. Here, What You Need to Know

You may know which sign you click with (and which sign you absolutely avoid at all costs!) You may have developed tricks to turn them on, or discovered the best aphrodisiac for different signs. But do you know the best foreplay techniques to bring each sign over the edge? Here, the best foreplay tricks for each sign, based on the body part ruled by that Zodiac sign. Try them and make them melt (psst: For an over the top session between the sheets, follow these moves with each zodiac sign’s favorite sex position.


The best foreplay moves for Aries: Rams rule the head, which may be one of the most overlooked parts of the body during sex. From running your fingers through their hair, gently tugging, or giving a scalp massage, paying plenty of attention to an Aries head will make them swoon with lust.

One trick to try: Starting in the shower, gently run your fingers through their scalp, then help them wash their hair. Rams are used to being in control, and this puts them in a vulnerable place you love. Let your fingers linger. You know how the scalp massage is one of the best parts of a haircut? Spend plenty of time on their head and trust they will return the favor.


The best foreplay moves for Gemini: Gemini rules the arms, from the shoulders all the way down to the fingertips. Start with a slow build: Run your fingertips alongside a Gemini’s palm, all the way up the inside of their arm. Don’t forget their elbows. A few sensual kisses will make them melt.

One trick to try: If you haven’t lavished attention on your Gemini partner’s arms, now’s the time to try. Try lightly pinning them down by the wrists, and kissing their arms, from the shoulders down. Ignore any other area until they’re literally begging for you to move. This slow attention to detail will turn on every nerve ending.


The best foreplay moves for Cancer: Cancer rules the hands, so don’t skimp on hand-holding early in a date. As the evening progresses, experiment with different pressure points. Holding different areas of your hand, or even experimenting with gently digging your fingers into their palm, will keep intrigue up.

One trick to try: Fingers have so many nerve endings that gently kissing or sucking fingers can be incredibly intimate. It’s also important to realize that hands don’t lie. If you sense your Cancer partner pulling away, even via the most subtle of touches, can clue you into their mental state. The same goes for when you allow them to caress you.


The best foreplay moves for Leo. Proud lions own the chest. Of course, the chest may seem obvious in terms of foreplay, but it’s important to focus on the entire chest area, including the armpits and rib cage. In fact, kissing around the rib cage, up to the clavicle, and avoiding the obvious can be an ideal way to drive Leos wild.

One trick to try: Really focus on a Leo’s ribs. Trace your fingers around each bone and land kisses in the space between the ribs. Better to do this blindfolded, as ceding control can drive a Leo wild in the best possible way.


The best foreplay moves for Virgo: Virgo rules the stomach. This can be a vulnerable spot for many people, so spending time really focusing on the stomach area — caressing, cradling, kissing — can be an act of vulnerability for the receiver.

One trick to try: Butterfly kisses — batting your lashes on the soft skin of a Virgo’s stomach — can be especially sexy. So, too, can a sensual massage that includes putting plenty of lotion on their stomach area. Licking whipped cream, ice cream, or hot chocolate off a Virgo’s stomach can also be incredibly arousing.


The best foreplay moves for Libra: Libra rules the lower back, so bring out the massage oil and get ultra-sensitive caressing this spot with your hands, as well as teasing it with your mouth.

One trick to try: During sex, lightly grazing your fingertips and nails along their lower back can be incredibly arousing. Don’t be afraid to play around with different sensations, either. For example, trailing an ice cube down their backs, followed by kissing their backs or blowing on their backs, gives them a sensual treat they love.


The best foreplay moves for Scorpio: Ruling the pelvis, Scorpio is driven wild by anything involving their hips. Even putting your hand on their hips while fully clothes can be an incredibly hot move. As the night heats up, make sure to pay plenty of oral attention to this area, and they’ll return the favor.

One trick to try: Scorpio is drawn to power moves. Consider using a washable marker to write your name on their hips, just below the line of their underwear. Going out in public with a sexy label only the two of you know about can drive Scorpio wild.


The best foreplay moves for Sagittarius: Ruling the thighs, Sagittarius loves everything from massages to sensation play. Kisses on the inner and outer thighs are par for the course, and a lower back, butt, and thigh massage, complete with warm massage oils, can drive a Sagittarius wild.

One trick to try: In the shower, give your Sag a sensual thigh rub down, concentrating on putting as much soap and lotion on as possible. The tub, too, is a great time to lavish attention on this area — do it for as long as they can stand, even (especially!) if they beg you to move to another area.


The best foreplay moves for Capricorn:  Ruling the legs, Caps can’t get enough of having their gams caressed, massaged, and kissed. A Capricorn will never turn down a leg massage; start subtly by rubbing their calves as you’re watching TV.

One trick to try: Keeping contact on their legs during the action — especially holding them down or physically moving their leg from one place to the next — can drive them wild. Caps like to be in control, but in bed, letting go can feel so good, so taking the lead and playing with power moves can be sensuous for both parties.


The best foreplay moves for Aquarius: Ruling the ankles, Aquarius loves all things related to foot massage, and may have a thing for shoes. Keeping shoes on in bed can be incredibly hot, as can keeping shoes — and nothing else — on during foreplay. Indulging in a little foot worship can be incredibly sensuous.

One trick to try: Some Aquarians love the idea of high heels, and nothing else. See if your Aquarian likes it by presenting them with shoes they would never wear IRL, and then asking them to wear those, and nothing else, in bed. They’ll love the foray into fantasy.


The best foreplay moves for Pisces: Ruling the feet, Pisces will never turn down a foot massage. Doing some reflexology and discovering different pressure points is great; up the ante by kissing or sucking on their toes. You may be surprised by just how much your Pisces likes it.

One trick to try: Giving your Pisces — man or woman — a pedicure can be surprisingly sensual. Take control by picking out the polish, if you’re planning on using it, start with a foot rub, and fully pamper them. Book a solid hour — Pisces love when you take your time.

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