Your Guide to the Stars: Planetary Transits That Affect All Star Signs This Week

This is a big week! A new moon in Capricorn on Tuesday gives a clean slate, and may provide a fresh start for projects, goals, and ambitions. Meanwhile, as the sun shifts to enter Aquarius on January 19, we expand our horizons and may have new people to add to our social circle. The end of the week is a great time for taking a chance, taking a step out of your comfort zone, and opening your heart. Here, your astrological action items for the week. Pay attention to these dates and slay the day, regardless of your zodiac sign.
Monday, January 15
Get Down to Business
With the new moon in Capricorn coming up tomorrow, it’s a prime day to take stock of where you are in your career, and where you’d like to be. Reaching out to colleagues, updating your online presence, or finally applying for jobs can be beneficial today.
Tuesday, January 16
Make a Move
Capricorn is all about diligence, responsibility, and getting things done, and consider a new moon in Capricorn your astrological do-over. It’s a great day to commit to a workout routine, set a goal, or just put your nose to the grindstone and remind yourself that you can do it. Don’t get so caught up in what’s been done in the past. Capricorn isn’t about nostalgia. Look forward, be fierce, and make this your day.
Wednesday, January 17
Let’s Talk About Love
Venus enters Aquarius, and nothing is as it seems in the world of romance. Today may be a day where a partner reveals something you didn’t know about them, or day when someone reveals feelings for you out of the blue. Surprises are everywhere. You may find you surprise people today, too. Today isn’t a day for going with the flow. Not into a date? Better cancel it than go just to avoid hurt feelings. Telling the truth and leading with your intuition will serve you well today.
Friday, January 19
Let Your Freak Flag Fly!
As the sun enters Aquarius, it’s a time of mystery, intrigue, far-flung adventures, and always following you heart, even if your heart tells you to buy a round-trip ticket to somewhere exotic. It’s a time to be a lone wolf, go solo, and delve into the deep mysteries of your heart. Even going to a movie alone counts today. The more time you spend solo, the better. It’s okay to be lonely today. The lonelier you let yourself feel, the more you’ll appreciate real friendships and real connections.
Saturday, January 20
Open Your Heart!
Now that you’ve felt your feelings, it’s time to be you and do you. Go out with an unfamiliar crowd tonight. try an acroyoga class for the first time. Surprise yourself. Become a brighter, bolder you and see where you take yourself!
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