Your Favorite Holiday Traditions Based on Sign

‘Tis the season! Want the holidays to be ho-ho-happy? Try a tradition based on your sun sign! All signs naturally gravitate toward one particular aspect of the holidays—and all signs have one tradition they hate. Read on to find yours.
You Love: The Parties
Nothing makes you happier than making merry with all your closest friends. You close down the bars, and it’s no over until the last drop of wine has been poured.
You Hate: Downtime
The day after Christmas, when no shops are open, everyone is at home, and you’re stuck with a holiday hangover is the OMFG worst. Right?
You Love: The treats
Bring on the pies, cakes, wine, and sausage! You love partaking in a little of everything, and cocktail party food is your favorite!
You Hate: Resolutions
Why does New Year’s have to come with a side dish of guilt? You hate having to atone for sins on New Year’s Day, especially when the sins felt (and tasted) so damn good!
You Love: The drunken makeouts
Everyone loves a makeout session, but passionate Gemini loves nothing more than a champagne scented kiss at midnight.
You Hate: Sincerity
You cannot stand heart to hearts when they catch you unaware, and nothing puts you in a worse mood than someone spilling your guts when you’re trying to track down your crush in a crowd of people.
You Love: Buying a tree
The piny scent of a real Christmas tree feels like home in the best way, and you’ll happily tag along with friends as they purchase theirs.
You Hate: Crowded parties
Especially obligatory ones, like the one at your work. You’d much rather be on the couch, solo or with a friend or partner, watching the glow of the tree in peace.
You Love: The presents
The more, the merrier—especially when it comes to goodies under the tree. You can never get enough gifts!
You Hate: Holiday songs. Especially if people break out into carols together. Too cheesy!
You Love: Hot cocoa
Hot chocolate makes you feel like a kid together—especially when you drink it with your favorite friends.
You Hate: Buying presents. Don’t get us wrong. You love giving gifts to friends and showing how much you appreciate them. But trying to choose the perfect present always leaves you overloaded on stress.
You Love: Candles
Load up on cozy, yummy-smelling candles. Nothing appeals more to Libra’s luxury loving side!
You Hate: Ugly sweaters. Will this trend ever die? And isn’t the point of going to parties looking hot?
You Love: Solstice
You move the deeper, mysterious aspects of this time of year, and are in tune with the rhythm of the seasons. The longest night of the year is the perfect, cozy time to do some serious soul-searching.
You Hate: Candy canes. You don’t have a sweet tooth and find these garish red-and-white confections the sugary-sweet aspect of the holiday you hate.
You Love: Travel
The delays, airport food, overpacked bags—for you, it’s all part of the adventure! You don’t mind the annoyances, and for you, even a trip to somewhere you’ve been a trillion times before is noteworthy.
You Hate: Tradition. You’re much happier trying new things than doing the same-old.
You Love: Holiday pajamas. Practical and festive, you adore cozying up in the finest of flannel.
You Hate: Eggnog. You’ll drink it to be polite, but oh man, you wish your relatives would stop making this calorie-bomb of ugh.
You Love: Seeing old friends. For you, the blast from the past dose of nostalgia makes the season worth it.
You Hate: Sending holiday cards. Why is it so hard to buy stamps?
You Love: Holiday crafts. Bring on the gingerbread house—which, for you, Pisces, is a gingerbread mansion.
You Hate: Santa. The whole story of a dude coming down the chimney has always freaked you out.
Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!
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