Your December Horoscope: Own Your Truth and Give Your Love

By Virginia Mason

On December 2, 2017

In Aspect, Love, Sex

Your December Horoscope: Own Your Truth and Give Your Love

During the holidays, it’s easy to turn your attention to pleasing other people, but this month is all about owning your truth! A Gemini full moon on December 3, wants you to express yourself. Speak as if no one has any authority over you, and take time to treat yourself! On the full moon, Mercury turns retrograde, and it’s staying there until December 22. This draws even more attention to your expression and how you’re communicating. This is all happening in Sagittarius, where the sun, Venus, and Saturn are also hanging out. This makes you want to explore! It also makes you uncomfortable in any partnership that isn’t bringing adventure, but adventure is sure to come. Mars joins Jupiter in Scorpio to keep things sexy and exciting! Expect to learn a lot by exploring new ways of speaking, loving, and being. The moon joins the tribe of planets in Sagittarius for a new moon on December 18, amplifying Mercury’s turning direct and Saturn’s move from Sagittarius to Capricorn, which is where the sun moves on December 21, helping us all climb where we want to go in 2018.

Aries December Love Horoscope
Tensions subside, and you enter your zone. Uranus in Aries trines the sun, Saturn, Mercury, and Venus, and your ruling planet Mars enters Scorpio. Your independence attracts love. Maybe not partner love, but fun, fiery love for sure. Your sex life becomes deeply passionate and emotional. Scorpio’s water energy connects you more to your emotions and to other people. You have no shortage of truths to express right now, and they’re likely to be well received. The year ends with an Aries moon and a major boost in passion. Communication woes won’t seem to bother you as much as other people, but Mercury in retrograde has a way of tricking you into thinking all is well only to leave you wondering what the heck you were thinking by the time it turns direct. So while your confidence and strength are serving you well, just make sure to take an extra beat to consider what you truly want to say before you say it!

Love Lesson: The more you act from feeling, the steamier things become.
Best Days for Love: 15, 17, 18, 23, 27
Hardest Days for Love:   1-3, 21-22, 26

Passion Prediction:    
Taurus December Love Horoscope
A Taurus moon guides Venus into Sagittarius, but these two placements aren’t exactly getting along. You like things secure and stable, and Sagittarius wants the exact opposite for you. Sagittarius wants to rip you from all that’s known and throw you into the darkness just to see what’s out there. You will resist. You will dig your heels into the earth and exclaim, “no!” But if you want love to grow, you will have to give into the darkness. Relationships may come and go, and you may feel completely uprooted, but ultimately, the focus is on how you think about love and how you communicate with your lover. You place love on a pedestal, and it’s time to bring it back down to reality. Venus moves into Capricorn on December 25, bringing much needed grounding to your love life.

Love Lesson:Ditch your romantic perfectionism and embrace true love.
Best Days for Love:
7, 9, 27-29
Hardest Days for Love:   2, 5, 30
Passion Prediction:     
Gemini December Love Horoscope
A Gemini full moon opposes a cluster of planets in Sagittarius and forces you to take a long hard look at your choices. How do you spread yourself too thin? How does this affect your ability to invest in relationships? You want partnership, but how do you expect to have it when you struggle to commit wholeheartedly to yourself or even your friends. Don’t get me wrong, you love with your whole heart, and you’re mostly there for people, but you also get distracted. You go off on your own little adventure quite often, and you’re not as present and loyal as you might think. Your ruling planet—Mercury—is retrograde most of the month, making this a major time for reevaluating your life. Cut back and simplify. Give yourself space to return to basics and spend quality time with the people you love. Find your ground by staying still.

Love Lesson: Lasting love requires your attention.
Best Days for Love:
7-8, 17, 27
Hardest Days for Love:   4, 9-10, 12, 31
Passion Prediction:

Cancer December Love Horoscope
Sagittarius pulls you in many directions, but if you keep your feet firmly planted on the ground and your attention focused on long term goals, you’ll experience a lot of joy and romance. You risk getting caught up in your thoughts and missing everything happening around you. Keep breathing and shush those fears. They’re just distracting you. You’ve worked hard to get to the place where you are ready for real love. Don’t doubt yourself now. If you’re partnered, trust that you chose this partner for the right reasons. Any problems you face you can work through, but you have to communicate. You have to be really honest about how these difficulties make you feel – especially in the bedroom. Mars is in Scorpio and ready to help you work through all your sexual frustrations. This will bring you and your lover closer together.

Love Lesson: Embrace your shadow side for sexier romance.
Best Days for Love: 6-8, 11-13, 17-18

Hardest Days for Love:   2, 9-10, 30-31

Passion Prediction:      
Leo December Love Horoscope
Love is fated. If you recently broke up with someone, you’ll find your mind wandering to them. You wish they were still by your side. Don’t ignore these thoughts. The holidays can make people lonely, but that’s not what’s making you miss them. You’ve been going through hard times lately, and that puts stress on any relationship. If your relationship didn’t collapse under the weight of it and you two made it through – as friends or as lovers – know that the tides are turning. Affection is returning. Love is deepening. Sagittarius energy moves through your ruling planet – the sun – and you may find yourself flitting between many casual affairs, but these aren’t really for you, and you feel that now. That’s your growth. It’s time to stop messing around, face your fears, and get real about what – and who – you want. By the end of the month, this will be very clear.

Love Lesson: You won’t find deep devotion in a fling.
Best Days for Love: 7-8, 21, 27-29

Hardest Days for Love:  1-3, 30-31

Passion Prediction:  
Virgo December Love Horoscope
You feel like you have a fire under your ass. You feel the need to quickly figure out what you want and to keep yourself busy in the meantime. Breathe. Slow down. Mercury conjuncts Saturn then flies into retrograde in Sagittarius over the galactic center of the universe! That’s where a big black hole spins right next to billions of stars, and it’s going to feel like you’re being sucked through it all. You may have noticed I haven’t mentioned your love life yet. That’s because I don’t really know how you’re going to find time for that this month. You’re too busy trying to solve your big life questions. You’re undergoing a major reset. With Venus in Sagittarius, love may easily come your way, but it’s likely to leave just as quickly. Take it easy. Be gentle with yourself. Don’t beat yourself up for not knowing the best next step. That’s what January is for.
Love Lesson: Relax in your pursuit, and trust that love will come when it’s time.
Best Days for Love:
8, 12, 16-17, 23
Hardest Days for Love:  1-7, 10, 24, 31

Passion Prediction:      
Libra December Love Horoscope
Enjoy the first week of December! That’s the last week of Mars in Libra. After that, sexual energy migrates over to Scorpio, and your harmonious ways are thrown out the window. This month, love is all about depth, mystery, excitement, adventure, and power! The emphasis on partnership and the conflict-free existence you enjoy becomes a thing of the past. Did you just freak out a little? That’s okay! Allow yourself to have fun in love. If you’re partnered, enjoy doing new things with your lover – especially sexually. If you’re single, put yourself out there and enjoy some first dates. Venus moves into Capricorn by the end of the month, cooling things off a bit and focusing romance again on traditional partnership, where you feel much more at home.

Love Lesson: Sometimes it’s important to do the opposite of what you think you want to learn what you truly want.
Best Days for Love: 7, 8, 11-13, 28-31

Hardest Days for Love:  9, 16-19, 23-25

Passion Prediction:     
Scorpio December Love Horoscope
Many of the planets that were just in Scorpio are now in Sagittarius, but Jupiter – Sagittarius’ ruler – has stayed in Scorpio. This continues to bond you to Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and the sun. You are expanding, but unlike November’s expansion, this month, personal growth is far less comfortable. You’re trying to grow, but in order to get anywhere, you have to look at the ways you limit yourself. Travel looms, and you may be planning a move. This is all part of skyrocketing you to the next stage of your life, and that stage is grand. Love surrounds you – most likely in the form of committed partnership. And if you’re single, now is a great time to go meet someone. Mars moves into Scorpio on December 9, giving you ample opportunity to embrace your intuition and sexual passion. But keep an eye on your jealousy and tendency toward violent outbursts. The likelihood of these is also heightened right now.

Love Lesson: Open your heart by honestly facing your limitations.
Best Days for Love: 9, 13-15, 17, 19, 23-24, 28, 31
Hardest Days for Love:  1-3, 21-22

Passion Prediction:  
Sagittarius December Love Horoscope
Happy Birthday, Sagittarius babies! It’s your month! But that’s not necessarily going to feel all that great this year. Don’t get me wrong – the sun and Venus are bringing you a lot of luck, especially in love, but Saturn’s also having its last hurrah in your sign. It’ll be teaching you it’s final lesson after two and a half years in your sign. And if the last two and half years have felt particularly rough, you can look forward to things finally settling down by the end of the month, but until then, look out. Mercury conjuncts Saturn and then moves retrograde through December 22. You’re bound to doubt your choices and worry about what you should be doing with your life. And this applies to everything in your life – including romance. Venus squares Neptune and Chiron, indicating that you’ll be easily triggered by love. Know that this is all part of a massive healing and rewiring of your consciousness. Everything is being pulled together and streamlined, but the process is messy.

Love Lesson: Make space for love by throwing out everything that isn’t serving you.
Best Days for Love: 8, 12, 15-19, 28
Hardest Days for Love:  1-4, 22, 26, 31
Passion Prediction:     
Capricorn December Love Horoscope 
Your ruler Saturn is preparing to move into Capricorn on December 19. It will stay there through 2020, and you must clear your mind to make room for this transit. Mercury conjuncts Saturn in Sagittarius, and Venus moves through Sagittarius until finally entering Capricorn at the end of the month. Your energy embodies a great lust for social power. This leads you to follow many traditional paths because you see how they are valued by society and will help you acquire power. But Sagittarius doesn’t give a damn about any of that, and it wants you to loosen your grip on what you think you know. This is how you will grow. This is how you will attract love. This is how you will make sure you are being completely true to yourself. This keeps your lust for power from driving you astray, and power is what’s coming as Saturn, the sun, and Venus join Pluto in Capricorn. Take time this month to show people how much you love them. Make sure you’re committed. That way, when you set off soaring toward your goals, they will travel with you.

Love Lesson: Ambition can kill love—unless you make sure it doesn’t.
Best Days for Love: 1-6, 13-14, 18-20, 23-25, 28-29

Hardest Days for Love:  10, 12, 21-22

Passion Prediction:     
Aquarius November Love Horoscope 
Uranus in Aries—and your fierce independence—will help guide you through this challenging month. Mercury and Saturn are creating angsty vibes for everyone, but you’re handling it better than most. While you’re also reevaluating everything, your loyalty to yourself helps you cut through any nonsense and get straight to what matters most to you. You’re working through sexual frustrations the first half of the month, but a lot of your work right now is about healing that. And you can do this through loving partnership and by letting Mars in Scorpio lead the way. Get to know your partner better sexually. Speak openly. Communicate what you want. Learn about their past and their fantasies. Then explore them! Your relationship is changing, and it’s all for the better. So enjoy! 

Love Lesson: Staying true to yourself guarantees you’ll choose the love that’s right for you.
Best Days for Love:
1-4, 8, 12, 16-18
Hardest Days for Love:  6, 21-23, 31
Passion Prediction:  
Pisces December Love Horoscope 
Neptune and Chiron in Pisces square the cluster of major planets in Sagittarius. This may leave you feeling super stressed all month, but it’s also tremendously healing. Sagittarius is demanding that you get out and do a lot of things that you don’t want to do, but sometimes, this is actually what’s best for us. Lucky for you, Mars moves into Scorpio, bringing nourishing sexual energy into your life. Scorpio and Pisces love each other, and sex is one area where you will feel very at home this month. While you may do things you normally wouldn’t do, you will be led to do them by listening to your intuition, and this feels incredibly comfortable. Expect to be very productive and to learn very important lessons that will help support every future relationship.

Love Lesson: You can’t cling to your past if you want to move forward.
Best Days for Love: 12-14, 23-25, 28-29
Hardest Days for Love:  5-11, 17-18, 31
Passion Prediction: 

Virginia is a Brooklyn-based Reiki Master and psychic healer dedicated to expanding people’s understanding of what’s possible. She offers private readings, coaching, healing, and more through her company, Fleeting Connections. 

Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!

Read last month’s love horoscope here!

Got more questions for the Universe? These amazing astrologers are here for you. 

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Make November count with these amazing tips to bring your life and spirit to the next level:
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